
Israeli colonists cut down trees and spray-print racist graffiti in Nablus governorate

Violation:  vandalization acts 

Date:  April 17, 2018

Location:  Urif village/ Nablus

Perpetrators: Yizhar colonists

Victims:  farmers of Urif


A group of extreme  colonists  relative to the "Price tag" gang  on April 17, 2018  spray-painted racist graffiti on caravan belonging to citizen Moayed Shehadah and cut down a number of trees and seedlings in the areas of Sanafir and Al-Wadat, north Urif village.

It should be marked that the attacked location  is only 500 meters away from Yizhar colony .

Reportedly, the attacked trees belong to the following:

  • farmer Najeh Dheeb: he got 23 trees (3 years) of his cut down.
  • farmer Rael Sabbah: he got 7 olive seedlings (3 years) of his cut down.
  • citizen Layla Shehadah: she got 12 olive trees (12 years) of hers cut down.

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It is indicated that such an attack is meant to provoke Palestinians; it also exhibits the aggressive characteristics of extremism in addition to the brutal mentality of fanatic colonists. Noteworthy, the army and police of the Israeli occupation are usually the main complicit with colonists in carrying out such attacks; this happens by providing protection and help to colonists to complete their task or attacks in other words.

Repeated attacks :

It should be marked that according to Land Research Center data , the school of Urif village has always been a target for colonists ; attacks varied from raiding the school while on duty to vandalizing its  interior and break its windows. Not only that, colonists attacks reached out minor school boys as well.

Despite all complaints the village council of Urif submitted to the occupation police, no results have been rendered in this regard.


About 12 km south west Nablus, ‘Urif is inhabited by 3624 people in 2017 census. The village has an area of 4069 dunums , 319 of them are a built up area. ‘Urif is surrounded by ‘Asira al Qibliya (north) , Jamma’in (west) , Huwwara (east) , Yizhar settlement is built over parts of Huwwara lands, Jamma’in and Einabus  (south).

“Yizhar” illegal colony devoured 64 dunums of the town’s land, the colony was established in 1981 and inhabited by 440 colonists.

Oslo Accords divided the lands of Urif as follows:

  • 3,083 dunums are classified as area B
  • 981 dunums are classified as area C


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