
7 cisterns and an agricultural barracks noticed in Tuqu'/ Bethlehem

Violation : Final notices to demolish cisterns.

Location : Tuqu' / Bethlehem governorate.

Date: 11 June 2018.

Perpetrator: Israeli civil administration under the protection of the occupation's forces.

Victims: Salim Abu Mufreh , Salim Za'al Jebril , Suliman Nawawreh , Yusif Ali Nawawreh , Yusif Nawawreh and Khalil Li'rouj.


Wednesday , 11 June, The occupation forces and what is called "the Israeli civil administration" broke into Tuqu' , and handed final notices to stop construction and demolishing 7 cisterns and a barracks on the pretext of building without permissions.

The final notices inform orders to stop construction and demolishing what is built , any changes added on the construction within 7 days from receiving the notice will be destroyed. If citizens didn't comply to orders, Legal measurements will be executed including demolition on the victims own expense.

It is worthy mentioning that number of the noticed cisterns were built many years ago, and serve open spaces of agricultural lands in Tuqu'.

Salim Abu Mufreh the victims, one of told LRC observer:     

"We found the notice close to the cistern under a small stone, it was constructed 22 years ago , it is an agricultural cistern that serves 100 dunums in Tuqu' "

It is worthy pointing out that Tuqu' municipality helps victims to prepare the necessary legal documents and file an objection as soon as it is possible.

Citizen Mahmoud Idais told LRC observer : "The subjected cisterns were built years ago and are  used by farmers"

Names of the victims and other information :

Victim's name

Type of the construction

Order's number

Salim Khaled Abu Mufreh

Agricultural cistern


Salim Za'al Jebriel

Agricultural cistern


Suliman Nawawreh

Agricultural cistern


Yusif Ali Nawawreh

Agricultural cistern


Yusif Nawawreh

Agricultural cistern


Yusif Nawawreh

Agricultural cistern


Yusif Ali  Nawawreh

Agricultural cistern


Khaleel Al 'Arouj

Agricultural cistern


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About Tuqu': [1]

Tuqu' is an old Canaanite name which meant "placing of tents"; the crusaders called it "Thecua" as it was one of their strongholds in Bethlehem area.

Tuqu' has a great deal of Roman, Greek, and Mamluke ruins considering its strategic location.

One of the most significant ruins is the "baptism basin" which is a stony artifact that has been cut and formed. It represents a number of Christian sects.

It is believed that the artifact has been made around the 1750s; it is also believed that this is one part of a two-part artifact; the second part's location is unknown.

Tuqu' is surrounded by 5 Israeli colonies including Tquah, AlDavid, Nokdim, in addition to two other colonies to the south, Mizpe Shalim and Mushki Dar Got.

Tuqu' total area is 10 km2. Therefore it is considered the largest rural community in Palestine. The village is 12km to the west of Bethlehem governorate and is covered by evergreen trees, making it an attractions to many visitors and tourists.

It is inhabited by 8767 people by 2017 including all its four parts namely: Tuqu' , Khirbet Tuqu', Khirbet al-Dair, and al-Halqum .

[1] GIS- LRC

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This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union

The contents of this document is the sole responsibility of LRC and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union