
Threats for houses and facilities in Rumana village / Jenin governorate

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Violation: Demolition notices for under construction houses.

Location: Rumana village / Jenin governorate.

Date: January 26th 2020.

Perpetrator: The Israeli Occupation Forces.

Victims: Four families from the village.


Sunday January 26th 2020, The construction officer of the Civil Administration raided the western neighborhood of Rumana village west Jenin , and served removal notices for three under construction houses and an agricultural shack .

The notices order demolition or removal of the targeted structures within 96 hours, in case the owners breached the deadline , the occupation forces will implement the operation and make them pay for the costs.

The following table shows more information about the targeted facilities:

Affected citizen

Family members


Notice no

Nature of the targeted facility


Tayseer Abu Hamad




Under construction house built of one floor and a basement (180 m2)

New building

Tariq Abu Hamad




Under construction house (160 m2)

New building

Rabe’a Abu Hamad




Under construction house without a ceiling (110 m2)

New building

Yousif Rafa’i




Agricultural shack built of Baton (200 m2)

Constructed in 2008 , and notified since then




Source: Firsthand field observation – Israeli Violations monitoring section- Land Research Center..

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The targeted Shack was established in 2008, and notified since then on the pretext of building on a seam zone , the owner succeed to freeze the notice after a long legal battle.

The Occupation authorities claim that the targeted structures were built in enclaves in the seam zone , where construction is prohibited.

After receiving the notices , the owners tried to submit petitions to the supreme court with the legal aid of JLAC, but the occupation authorities refused the petition and insisted to demolish the facilities, noteworthy the targeted facilities are only 150 m away from the villages built up area.

Military order 1797, Is only one of a series of legal modifications the occupation took to counteract to legal aid campaigns carried out by Palestinian NGOs, after the estimations of tens of thousands of notices being served in C area, about 62% of the West Bank.

This order targets newly constructed residences in C area, the building officer issues final demolition notices, the owners won’t have enough time to prepare a legal file or object.

Rumana village is only an example of what happens in Palestinian suburbs, the occupation hinders land development projects in C area , while it facilitates controlling them by settlers.

Located 13km to the northwest of Jenin governorate, Rummana has a total land area of 9650 dunums, of which 280 dunums are the built-up area. The apartheid wall confiscated 84 dunums of the village’s total area and destroyed 100 other dunums as per constructing its route. The village has some 1000 dunums of agricultural and pastoral lands and other olive and almond groves.

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