
Colonists seize a plot in Sinjil town \ Ramallah governorate

Violation: Seizing a Palestinian plot.

Location: Sinjil town Ramallah governorate.

Date: February 2nd 2021.

Perpetrators: Colonists of Geva’at Haroeh.

Perpetrators: Citizen ‘Atta Tawafsha.


Tuesday, a group of colonists from Giva’at Haroeh outpost took over a plot with a total area of 4 dunums and planted it with olives in Qarnet ‘Adas area north Sinjil, the targeted plot belong to citizen ‘Atta Tawafsha(62) from the town.

Farmer ‘Atta told LRC:

“I own an 18 dunums plot , that used to be planted with wheat and vegetables , which is proved with legal papers, and in 1998 , I was in Brazil when I received a call from my  brother Mohammed Tawafsha (63) telling me that colonists put caravans nearby my plot and confiscated vast areas of lands (including mine) to build Geva’at Haroeh outpost , I got back to the country in 2000 , and filed a complaint with the help of a legal aid organization, since then we are not allowed to access our land under security claims , while colonists can use it however they like , and in 2001 I was at my plot and colonists showed up and used their arms to force me to leave the plot, since that day the outpost have been expanding rapidly , it started with 15 caravans , and now it contains 50 houses that devour more than 22 dunums.”.

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Photos 1+2: The cultivated plot nearby the outpost

Tawafsha asserted :

 “Early this month , I received a call from municipality head Mu’tas Tawafsha , who told me that colonists are planting 4 dunums of my plot , I filed a complaint to the Israeli police , and until this moment no serious investigation was executed , I am afraid that colonists  are trying to impose realities on the ground and that I may never get my plot back.”

Sinjil in undergoing continuous violations from the occupation , which is trying to empty the northern area to expand colonies at the area , noting that a new outpost was built on the village lands late last years.

About Sinjil:

20 kilometer north of Ramallah, Sinjil is surrounded by Al Labn Ash Sharqia (north), ‘Abween and Jaljilia (west), Qaryut and Turmus’ayya (east), and Al Mazr’a Ash sharqia (south).

Sinjil has a total population of 5742 people according to statistics conducted in 2017. It has a total area of 14028of which 888 are a built-up area of the village.

The Israeli occupation devoured 551 dunums of the lands of the village for two colonies. The first one is Maale Levona which was built in 1983 and confiscated 298 dunums of the village, and inhabited by 497 colonists. The second is Eli which was built in 1984 and devoured 253 dunums, and inhabited by 2058 colonists.

Moreover, bypass number ’60 took over 246 dunums of the village lands.

According to Oslo Accords, 14% of Sinjil is under Area A (PA has full civil and security control) while 30% is under Area B (PA is in charge of civil matters with Israel responsible for security). However, most of the village lands (56%) is under Area C (Israel maintains full security and administrative control). Here are the area in dunums:

  • Area A (1980) dunums
  • Area B (4140) dunums
  • Area C (7908) dunums

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This Report Was Prepared as Part of Secure Palestinian Lands and Housing Rights project activities

The Contents of This Document are the responsibility of LRC and do Not Reflect positions of the European Union