
The Israeli Occupation issues a halt of work notice For Deir Abu Hajla / east Jericho

Violation: Halt of Work Notice for an agricultural pool.

Date: August 5th 2021.

Location: Deir Abu Hajla area/ Jericho governorate.

Perpetrators: The Israeli Civil Administration.

Victims: Farmer Khairi Haddoush.


Thursday, August 5th 2021, The Israeli Occupation Authorities through the construction inspector at the Israeli Civil Administration served halt of work notices for an under-construction pool, in Deir Abu Hajla, east Jericho.

According to notice number (119868) the occupation sat September 1st 2021 as the date of the building and organization session in Beit El military court to decide the fate of the structure.

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Notice number 1149868 which targets an agricultural pool

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The targeted pool

The pool has a total area of 200 m3, and belongs to farmer Ma’arouf Hadoush , the pool was built and expanded in early October 2020 , and the pool is considered a source of water for 100 dunums planted with melons , and 50 dunums planted with a variety of vegetables and are registered as Islamic Waqf , the affected farmer was a supporter of a family of 9 , four of them are females , and among them one child.

Deir Abu Hajla suffers from water shortage despite availability of Arable lands, the occupation forces hinder any agricultural development projects at the area, including water harvesting projects, which had a devastating effect on the agricultural sector. The pool was supposed to provide irrigation water, but the occupation intentionally stands in the face of the agricultural sector.

In reality, the Israeli Occupation is trying to take over Waqf lands around Deir Abu Hajla. And for many years, the occupation closed off vast areas of lands on the pretext that it is a border bubble zone, while other areas were announced as military training areas. On the other hand, colonial institutions easily impose control over the area.

Between 2015 – 2020, our field team documented the destruction of a number of water harvesting pools between Aj-Jiftlik , Al-‘Auja , Sahel Al-‘Auja and at the airport east Jericho , which hindered the development of many pilot projects.

According to the Palestinian Ministry of Awqaf and Religious affairs, about 261,000 dunums in Jericho and the Jordan Valley spread around An-Nabi Musa , Al-Fashkha area, Al-Auja, and Deir Abu Hajla are registered for the ministry, About 220,000 dunums fell under the Israeli occupation army full control , a part of which was turned into a closed military zones, and Buffer Zones across the Jordanian borders , and other parts were given to The Jordan Valley Settlements Council which constructed a number of illegal colonies including: Niran, Gilgal, Netiv Higdod, Beit HaArava, and Omair.

Reportedly, the targeted lands are under Palestinian Ministry of Awqaf and Religious affairs direct supervision, about 7,675 out of 37,018 dunums were leased to farmers and Rural societies to be exploited in agriculture. 

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