
Israeli Occupation Issues Military Order to Seize Lands in Sabastiya Town / Nablus Governorate

Violation: Seizure of 1,300 m² and threat to 150 additional dunams.

Location: Sabastiya Town, Nablus Governorate.

Date of Violation: July 2024.

Perpetrator: Israeli Occupation Army.

Victims: Residents of Sabastiya Town.

In early July 2024, the so-called Commander of the Israeli Occupation Army in the West Bank issued a military order to seize 1,300 m² of land in Sabastiya Town, located within natural block (6), plots (50, 51, 64).

The primary stated reason for the seizure is for "security" purposes, but it appears that the actual goal is to establish an observation tower for the Israeli army. This area overlooks the bypass road connecting the cities of Nablus and Jenin.

Photos 1-3: The military order issued by the occupation forces.

According to the military order, titled (Order Regarding the Seizure of Lands - No. 24/20/T), the occupation has set the seizure period until the end of 2027, with the right to extend the seizure order for an additional period.

Mr. Mohammed Ahmed Azam, Mayor of Sabastiya, informed the Land Research Center researcher:

"What is actually happening is the closure of vast areas of agricultural land through the establishment of this new point, which is located between large areas of olive groves. Additionally, the location of this point is on a network of connecting agricultural roads, meaning that the occupation will seek to restrict the movement of residents in these areas, which exceed 150 dunams."

Sabastiya Town[1]:

Sabastiya is located 12 kilometers northwest of Nablus. It is bordered by Burqa village to the north, Al-Masoudia village to the west, Halfaya to the east, and An-Naqura and Deir Sharaf villages to the south. The town had a population of 3,205 as of 2017. The total area of the village is 16,225 dunams, of which 521 dunams are built-up areas. According to the Oslo Accords, the village lands are classified as follows:

Area A: 8,942 dunams

Area B: 4,980 dunams

Area C: 2,303 dunams

Land Seizure Violates International Laws:

What Israel is doing in the occupied Palestinian territories constitutes a violation of the rights of the Palestinian people and their lands and breaches international laws and norms. The following are key provisions in international laws and treaties that prohibit Israeli settlement in Palestinian territories and prevent harm to civil and public property in occupied lands, as well as relevant United Nations resolutions:

Hague Convention / 1907:

Article 46: The occupying power shall not confiscate private property.

Article 55: The occupying power must act as an administrator of the land in the occupied country and must treat the property as private property.

Fourth Geneva Convention / 1949:

Article 49: 

The occupying power may not transfer its own civilians into the occupied territory or take any measures that result in changes to the demographic composition of the area.

Article 53: 

The occupying forces may not destroy individual or collective private property, or property belonging to individuals, the state, or any authority in the occupied country.

Article 147: 

The destruction and seizure of property in a manner that is not justified by military necessity and on a large scale in an unlawful and arbitrary manner is considered a grave breach.

Project: Protecting Palestinian Environmental Rights in Area C - SPERAC IV - GFFO

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this report are those of the Land Research Center and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the project donor; the Norwegian Refugee Council


[1] LRC – GIS.