
Israeli colonists of Yitzhar slaughter and steel sheep in Nablus governorate

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Violation: slaughtering and steeling sheep

Location:  Einabus village- Nablus

Date:  February 21, 2018

Perpetrators: Yitzhar colonists

Victims:  shepherd  Baher Rayyan


On February 21, 2018, a group of Yitzhar Israeli colonists attacked shepherd  Dhafer Rayyan while grazing his brothers Baher's sheep in the area known as "Al-Sawma'a", north Einabus village and slaughtered some and stole others.

The affected  shepherd  told Land Research Center the following:

" Six colonists surrounded me while eleven others headed toward the sheep to carry out their attack.  I managed to escape to my village that is 400 meters from the attack location. Fifteen minutes later, I came back to the location to find that the attackers slaughtered 14 sheep, injured six and stole 17 others"

The shepherd said that Israeli Occupation Forces arrived at the location to protect the colonists. This proves that the occupation army is complicit in the attack.

He also said that he submitted a complaint to the Palestinian District of Coordination Office, which arrived next day to investigate and follow up on the case with the Israeli side.

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Some photos of the slain sheep

Reportedly, the shepherd said that his total losses are estimated of $27,700 and detailed as follows:

  • 25 pregnant sheep ($22772)
  • 4 sheep ($ 3248)
  • 1 ram ($ 1680)

It is considered one of the oldest villages in Palestine. it is located 11 km to the south of Nablus City.

It is surrounded by several other Palestinian villages including Burin, Madama, Yasuf and Huwwara. The village is known for the number of mountains and hills that surround it, the most famous one are Salman the Persian Mountain and ‘Utared (Jupiter) Hill. The total area of the village is 4000 dunums including 260 dunums of built-up area. The village population was 227 in 1922 which increased to reach 340.

In 1967, 550 people lived in the village the number reached 1200 in 1987.The latest statistics show that the total population reached about 3500 people and it was recorded that 2000 people immigrated from the village. The village lost more than 800 dunums of its lands to the Israeli colonization activities, represented in Yizhar colony. Yizhar has been the launching pad for hundreds of attacks against the surrounding Palestinian villages throughout the years.

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This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union.

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