
The occupation burned straw stocks in Sabastiya / Nablus

Violation: burning straw stocks.

Location :  Sabastiya  / Nablus.

Date : 22- Sept- 2018.

Perpetrators: The Occupation forces.

Victims : a farmer from  Sabastiya .


On September, 22, 2018. About 1:00 am , the occupation forces penetrated  Sabastiya  town from the west side , and started shooting fire, throwing tear bombs and flash bombs to citizens homes, the people of the town crowded to defend their homes. The firing burned straw stocks for citizen Ayman Tayser Al- Shaer.

Mohammad Azam, mayor of  Sabastiya  told an LRC observer:

After the occupation forces penetrated the town, they burnt about 500 kilogram of straw stock in Ayman Tayser Al-Shaer farm, They fired bullets and tear bombs , and took down all the hanged Palestinian flags in the town.

Ayman Tayser Al-Shaer told an LRC observer:

Saturday , 1:00 am, My friend Ahmad Azim called me to tell me that my farm is on fire, where I raise camels for tourism (tourists ride them and bay money for the owner) in the area of Sahet al Athar (spot of ruins) . I live far from the farm , so I went there immediately and I found that the people of the town oppressed the fire after a 500 Kilogram straw stock that caused 750 shekels was burnt.

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 Sabastiya : 1

12 kilometer north west Nablus,  Sabastiya  is surrounded by Burqa (north), al-Mas'udiya (west), Nisf Jubeil (east), Naqoura and Deir Sharaf (south).

Sabastia has a total population of  3205 according to statistics conducted in 2017. It has a total area of 16,225 dunums. of which 521 dunums are a built-up area of the village.

According to Oslo accords, the area is divided to three parts:

Area A : (8942) dunums.

Area B : (4980) dunums.

Area C : (2303) dunums.

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This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union.

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The contents of this document is the sole responsibility of LRC and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.