
LRC participates in Committee on Food Security annual meeting/ Roma - Italy

Roma – Italy : Land Research Center represented by Dr Mohammad Slemeieh participated in Committee on food security 45 annual meeting, LRC represents international civil society institutions and Landless Worker's Movement, The meeting is a part of Civil Society measurements in Committee on Food Security  On their headquarter in Rome as a United Nations organization.

Dr Slemeieh, on behalf of LRC represented an overall presentation of Landless Movements Workers due to wars and occupation, confirming that the Palestinians who were expelled from their lands, are holding on the right to return , which is a right granted by international and humanitarian conventions.

There will be discussions and open meetings between The Coordinator Committee of Civil society institutions with international delegation to discuss what is offered by states in the  United Nations (194), and that to commit to achieve food security in all countries, and  to achieves aims of sustainable development that was adopted by all states in the United Nations, Discussions are about the countries' duty in fulfilling these aims, the necessary mechanisms towards communities  and the importance of including local societies and their representatives in  the applicability.

In addition to that , Dr Slemeieh through an Italian Institution(Crocevia) exposed a presentation on Israeli Violations against Housing, Agriculture and Environment to  a number of attendants who expressed the need to take measurements against Israeli government to make them commit to international legitimacy. 

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