
Halt of construction military order on 2 houses in Al-Manshiya / Bethlehem governorate

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Violation: Serving halt of construction orders.

Location: Al Manshiya/ Bethlehem governorate.

Date: February 22-2018.

Perpetrator:  The Israeli occupation civil administration.

Victim: Villager  from the town.


On February 22, 2018, The Israeli Occupation Army issued an order 'halt of construction”, to two residences belong to villagers Mohammad Waleed and Hilweh Khalaf, served under the pretext of being built without proper licensing documents due to their location in area 'C' where Israel has complete control. The Israeli order comes as part of an Israeli active campaign in the West Bank, where hundreds of similar and relevant orders (threat of demolishing) were issued. The order requests the immediate stoppage of construction and sets March 22 as the date of the subcommittee session to decide the fate of the houses.

Affected villager Haron (Hilweh’s husband) said:

“An officer from the Israeli civil administration showed up and served halt of construction order to my wife. We built this house for our son, who is about to get married , but the occupation won’t leave us live in peace”

Affected name

Number of family members


Area of the building

Status of the building

Order number

Mohammad  Waleed




Under construction


Hilweh As- Saed






Secured residence is a basic right for families, guaranteed by international conventions. Israeli policies in west bank of demolition Palestinian homes and prohibit villagers from building in their own lands is a clear violation of human rights.

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Stop work orders

About Al-Manshiya:[1]

About 12 kilometers south Bethlehem, Al-Manshiya is surrounded by Tuqu’ east, Al-Ma’asara north, Marah Ma’ala and Um Salmouna west, and Marah Rabah north.

Al-Manshiya has a population of 533 people in 2017 census.

The town has an area of 2,455 dunums , of which 92 dunums are a built up area.

Bypass 3157 devoured over 77 dunums of the town’s land.

The town’s lands according to Oslo convention are:

B Area : (1,580) dunums.

C area: (875) dunums.

[1] GIS -LRC

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