
The occupation carried out a mass demolition operation in Shu'fat refugees’ camp / Jerusalem

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Thursday, November 20 /2018, The Israeli occupation army raided Shu'fat refugees camp north east Jerusalem, and served demolition orders to 19 facilities, owners were given only 12 hours to demolish their properties, before the occupation bulldozers carry out the operation in the next day.

While serving demolition orders, Clashes out broke between some Palestinian youths and the occupation forces, The Israeli occupation army used sonic and gas bombs and rubber pullets which caused some injuries in the Palestinian side.

The targeted facilities are reported to be constructed during the last ten years, (3) gas stations and (16) stores (bakeries, restaurants, clothing and shoes stores, Berber shops), they provide a source of income for 60 families..

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One of the demolition orders served to the targeted facilities says "empty your shops before the demolition"

In the next morning , Wednesday, 21 of November, Hundreds of Israeli occupation forces with heavy machineries raided Shu'fat refugees’ camp, closed the area with blocks and red stripes before they carried out a massive demolition operation on facilities in the camp, the operation is the first of its type since 1967.

The demolition operation proceeded from 8:00 am until 7:00 pm, 19 facilities on the main street were demolished, and residents of the camp are living in continuous fear from Israeli demolition operations.

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The Israeli demolition operation that targeted 19 facilities

Shu’fat Refugees’ camp[1]:

4 kilometers north east Jerusalem, Shu’fat is surrounded by “Pizgat Amir” settlement built over confiscated lands (north), Shu’fat town (west) , Anattah( east) and Isawiya (south). Shu’fat refugees’ camp has a population of (60000) people in 2016.

Shu’fat town including the refugees’ camp have together an area of 8494 dunums, of which 2033 dunums are a built-up planned area.

The occupation devoured from Shu’fat town and its refugees’ camp (8591) dunums for the following purposes:

  • Settlements devoured (3781) dunums for the following:

Settlement’s name

Establishing year

Area (dunums)

Number of settlers

Ramat Eshkol




Givat Shappira




Pizgat Amir








Ramat Shlomo




2. Bypass 60 devoured 8 dunums.

3- The Apartheid wall devoured of 4802 donums and isolated 1013 donums behind it –about 4021 meters long-.

[1] GIS -LRC.

Legal commentary:

Israeli policies in demolishing Palestinian facilities and constructions are a violation of basic human rights guaranteed by international conventions like the following articles:

Article 147 of Geneva fourth convention  : extensive destruction and appropriation of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly. ( it is considered a serious violation of the convention)

Article 53 of Geneva fourth convention that forbids destroying properties : Any destruction by the Occupying Power of real or personal property belonging individually or collectively to private persons, or to the State, or to other public authorities, or to social or co-operative organizations, is prohibited, except where such destruction is rendered absolutely necessary by military operations.

Article 33 of Geneva fourth convention: No protected person may be punished for an offence he or she has not personally committed.

Article 32 of Hague convention 1907 part g: To destroy or seize the enemy's property, unless such destruction or seizure be imperatively demanded by the necessities of war.

Article 17 of Universal declaration of human rights 10 –Dec- 1948:  No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.

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This case study is part of Kan'aan Project