
“Revagim” pro-settlement Israeli NGO calls for demolishing Palestinian houses and facilities Al-Lubban Al-Sharqiya/ Nablus governorate

Violation: provocative calls from  a pro-settlement NGO.

Location : Al-Lubban Al-Sharqiya/ Nablus governorate.

Date: 13/09/2018.

Perpetrator: “Revagim” pro-settlement Israeli NGO.

Victims: 5 Palestinian families.


Thursday, A member from “Revagim” settlement showed up in Al-Lubban Al-Sharqiya , and stopped his car in front of Jihad Awayseh garage , and told him that his garage should be demolished along with several houses in the street for security claims, and gave Awayseh a 20 pages book containing pictures and maps. Jihad headed to the village council of Al-Labban Al Sharwiya and gave them the book.

Samer Uwais head of Al-Lubban Al-Sharqiya village council told LRC reporter: “The book is written in Hebrew, and contains maps, and circles are drawn around the targeted house. The houses belong to : Mustafa Daraghmeh, Mahmoud Daraghmeh, Jihad Uwais, Fadi Awayseh, Majid Daraghmeh and Salih Datraghmeh.

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Samer asserted: This book is illegal and was not issued by any of the occupation’s official departments, it is only one of “Revagim” provocative brochures, as usually calling for demolishing Palestinian homes.”

Noteworthy , The occupation’s government  supports the pro-settlement NGO “Revagim”. The organization was established in 2006 under the slogan “protecting our national land” , Revagim works politically and in the field to collect information about Palestinian new structures in area (C ) , and then filing their reports to the Israeli government to notify and demolish these structures. The organization’s activities started in Masafer Yatta south and now their activities cover all area C in the West Bank.

Al Lubban ash Sharqiya[1]:

The village is located 22 km to the south of Nablus city, and is located at the southern borders of the Governorate. It is surrounded by numerous Palestinian villages including Eskaka, Qaryut, Salfit, Sinjel and many others.

the village total area is 15,637 dunums including 255 dunums of built-up area, or projected built-up area.

 The village lands are plain fields planted with vegetables and cereals annually, The rest of its agricultural area are fields planted with prunus and olives.

The village is inhabited by 2640 people in 2017 census.

 Israeli occupation devoured 1670 of the town’s lands:

Israeli colonies devoured 1168 dunums for :

Colony’s name

Establishing year

Area/ dunums

Number of colonists

Maale Levona




: Bypass 60 took over 502 dunums of the towns lands.

The towns land according to Oslo convention:

  • Area A (5, 313) dunums.
  • Area B (4,037) dunums.
  • Area C (6,287) dunums.

Others depend on farming as a source of living.( source: the town's village council).


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