
The Israeli civil administration issues a stop work order on a structure in Aqrab/ Nablus

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Violation: serving a stop work order.

Date: 26 / 3/2019.

Location: Aqraba village/ Nablus governorate.

Perpetrator: The Israeli occupation civil administration.

Victims: Family of Abdul Fatah Bani Fadel.


In March 26th, a vehicle related to the Israeli civil administration raided “Khallet Al-Khashabeh” , The construction officer got out, wrote stop work military order, basted it on the gate of the land where the room is located, and took pictures before leaving the location, as the owner testified.

The military order says: The occupation authorities order the immediate stoppage of construction, on the pretext of building before getting proper licenses in C area.

Abdul Fatah (65) asserted:

“I found a military order on the gate of my 6 dunums land, it is cultivated with olive trees since more than 4o years. Once I received the military order, I contacted with the legal aid office in Aqraba municipality, and started preparing the military file with the help of the Jerusalem center for legal aid  hoping to protect my property.”

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Noteworthy, LRC established a legal aid unit in Aqraba municipality to provide legal consultant for those affected by the Israeli occupation military orders.

About Aqraba:[1]

18 kilometers to the southwest of Nablus, Aqraba can be set as an example of a recurrent target for the Israeli occupation attacks.

The village totals 34,660 dunums in area, mostly, agricultural lands. However, the Israeli occupation announced more than 281,000 dunums of the village lands as "military zone" inaccessible for Palestinians while soaking the area with various colonies including Gittit. That left only 1,350 of Aqraba lands to be built-up area for the village.

Aqraba has a population of 10,024 people in 2017 census.

The colonies founded on Aqraba lands are expanding on daily basis and are classified as “agricultural settlements”. In addition, the Israelis have placed numerous watch towers and military encampments in order to control the whole region.

More than 500 Palestinians are residing in nomads gatherings around ‘Aqraba; they face day-to-day threats against their houses, tents, shacks; basically, their existence. Additionally, the Israeli colonists try to chase these people out of their fields in an attempt to take over the area.

‘Aqraba is inhabited by around 8,180 people with unemployment rate of 50% because of the restrictions imposed by the Occupiers.


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