
Price -tag attack in Al-Lubban Al-Sharqiya/ Hebron governorate

  • Violation: vandalizing Palestinian cars and writing offensive slogans.
  • Location: Al-Lubban Al-Sharqiya village / south Nablus.
  • Date: 30/01/2019.
  • Perpetrator: “Price tag” gangsters.
  • Victims: 6 Palestinians from Al-Lubban Al-sharqiya.


On  January 30th  2019, a group of Price tag gangsters raided the area of Al-Lubban Al-Sharqiya in the southern suburb of Nablus city.

Samer Uwais head of the village council told LRC reporter:

“A group of settlers from “Levona” illegal settlement, raided the southern area of the town, and wrote hatred inciting slogans on vehicles parked in the area , before they were noticed by the security commission in the town and kicked out.”

Uwais asserted: “we walked around to observe the damages, it turned out that they slashed the tires of 6 cars, and wrote hatred inciting slogans on them. The writings included their signature “price tag gang”.

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Noteworthy, Price tag gangsters targeted Al-Lubban Al-Sharqiya several times in the recent months; they terrorized locals and vandalized more than 50 privately owned Palestinian cars.

Price-tag group:

A terrorist group that is comprised of right wing activists carrying out systematic and/or 'strategic' attacks all over the West Bank, including Jerusalem, and the 1948-occupied Palestine under the protection and support of the Israeli Army. The price-tag campaign includes attacks on Palestinian-owned property like lands, crops and vehicles as well as attacks on religious sites and writing enticing and offensive slogans among others. One of its infamous slogans is "A good Arab is a dead one" which openly calls for murder and racism. Most price taggers are Yeshiva students aged between 18-23 years. They first appeared in 2008 and have been growing since.

Al Lubban ash Sharqiya[1]:

The village is located 22 km to the south of Nablus city, and is located at the southern borders of the Governorate. It is surrounded by numerous Palestinian villages including Eskaka, Qaryut, Salfit, Sinjel and many others.

the village total area is 15,637 dunums including 255 dunums of built-up area, or projected built-up area.

The village lands are plain fields planted with vegetables and cereals annually, The rest of its agricultural area are fields planted with prunus and olives.

The village is inhabited by 2640 people in 2017 census.

Israeli occupation devoured 1670 of the town’s lands:

Israeli colonies devoured 1168 dunums for :

Colony’s name

Establishing year

Area/ dunums

Number of colonists

Maale Levona








: Bypass 60 took over 502 dunums of the towns lands.

The towns land according to Oslo convention:

  • Area A (5, 313) dunums.
  • Area B (4,037) dunums.
  • Area C (6,287) dunums.

Others depend on farming as a source of living.( source: the town's village council).


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