
The Israeli occupation lay hands on Palestinian lands in Yanun Village

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Violation: laying hands on Palestinian lands , and announcing the area a “natural reserve”.

Location : Yanun village / Nablus governorate.

Date: 16/04/2019.

Perpetrator: The Israeli occupation “Nature authority”.

Victims: Families of the village.


Tuesday, 16/04/2019 , members from the Israeli so called “Nature authority” , showed up at “Joshua the son of Nun mount”, and placed a panel that says in three languages Arabic, Hebrew and English “ Natural reserve , do not enter”. As village council head, Rashid Marar told LRC reporter.

Marar asserted: The area is about 1000 dunums , that originally belong to Bushnaq family, this new resolution will leave herders without postures, and make their lives even harder after “Taleh 777” illegal settlement devoured all the postures, and 80 % of the hill’s lands.

Bushnaq’a property is under sharecropping system, 15 % of the land are cultivated with olive trees and leased to number of tenant farmers : Heirs of Adel Bani Jaber rent 40 dunums, Naim Bani Jaber rents 50 dunums, Mohammad Bani Munia rents 50 dunums .

Noteworthy, settlers of Taleh 777 have been carrying out frequent attacks that target farmers of the area.

About Al-Yanun:[1]

Yanun is 18 km to the south east of Nablus city. There is not any road network that connects the village to the city except the old road which was renovated only lately. The street leads to 'Aqraba village. The village borders extend to reach 'Aqraba, Beit Furik, and 'Awarta villages. To the east there is Makhola colony and by-pass Road 90. The total area of the village is 16,000 dunums including 1,668 dunums built up area.

According to Palestinian official sources, there are 102 people living in the village, most of them belong to Bani Jaber and Marar clans. Some of the residents are refugees originally from the occupied village of 'Ajur which was occupied and destroyed back in 1948. Itamar colony has been expanding on the village lands as it took over more than 503 dunums from the village till now.

About “Hill 777” outpost:

“Hill 777” outpost was established in 2000 on Yanun lands, Hill 777 is related to Itamar colony, which is built on confiscated lands From Awarta , Aqraba , Beit Furik and Rujib. Itamar settlers established several outposts , one of them is Hill 777 6 km away (east), the outposts’ settlers take over hundreds of dunums , and they are armed, and threaten to shoot any Palestinian that enters the area.

[1] GIS

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