
IOF announce the intention to cut hundreds of olive trees- Taqu’/ Bethlehem governorate

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Violation : An announcement on cutting and uprooting trees for military purposes.

Location : Sahel Al-Buqa’a – Taqu’ village / Bethlehem governorate.

Date: 29th May 2019.

Perpetrators: The Israeli occupation forces.

Victims: People of Taqu’ and Sa’ir.


Wednesday , 29th of May 2019, the Israeli occupation forces released an announcement that says that they will cut trees for “Security purposes” in Sahel Al-Buqa’a, the trees are in plots belong to families from Sa’ir and Taqu’.

The “announcement” was found by a farmer on a rock in the targeted location , in addition to  a  paper determining the day of a tour for farmers to show the trees that will be subjected in 11th June in 2019 at 5:00 pm.

The announcement claims that the trees will be uprooted for military and security purposes. Which is the occupation’s pretext for uprooting 2000 olive trees planted since the 80s . The occupation forces claim that Palestinian children hide behind the trees when they throw stones towards military vehicles and bulldozers, which is an unconvincing pretext for cutting this large number of trees.   

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Hassan Brijiya head of Colonization and Wall Resistance commission in Bethlehem told LRC reporter:

“Sahel El-Baqa’a is located between Sa’ir and Taqu’, it is planted with olives and rich with water , this attack aims to impose control over the area under unconvincing pretexts, According to the announcement the targeted lands are located between Al-Minya entrance and Taqu’ entrance.”

Taqu’ municipality head told LRC reporter: “We contacted the land owners and Sa’ir’s municipality in order to file a case against this violation.”

Noteworthy, the targeted area provides a sub-side source of income for number of Palestinian families that are always present in their plots , and in harvesting season families get together and help each other.

The area is in danger:

At the time experts strongly urge to plant more trees for the sake of protecting the environment , while the occupation are uprooting and cutting 30 years old olive trees , without worrying about its owners.

The Israeli occupation authorities deny Palestinians of their basic rights , such as the right of living with dignity , and the right of free land ownership and disposal , which was affirmed by Universal declaration of human rights.

This year’s Universal Declaration of human rights celebration day focuses on preventing all sorts of discrimination, which is one  of the rights granted by the first article of the declaration:

  All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

About Tuqu':[1]

5 Km south Bethlehem, Tuqu’ is surrounded by Ash-Shawawra, Za’atara, Khalet Al-Hadad and Jannatah (north), Marah Ma’ala, Al-Ma’asara and Beit Fajar (West), the Dead sea (East), Kissan village (South).

Tuqu’ has a population of 8767 people in 2017 census. The village has a total area of 199,634 dunums, of which 1627 dunums are the town’s built up area , which includes ( Tuqu’, Khirbet Ad-Dear, Al-Mansheyeh, Beit Fajar, Kissan, Al-Menyeh, Al-Holqum, Wadi Mohammad, Khirbet Tuqu’ and Marah Ma’ala.”

The Israeli occupation authorities devoured about 1570 dunums for the following purposes:

“Tquah” settlement was established in 1977 , on 1,033 dunums of Palestinian confiscated lands, inhabited by 1,116 settlers.

“Mushki Dar Got” was established in 1991, and confiscated 93 dunums.

“Nokdim” was established in 1982 , and confiscated 345 dunums, inhabited by 646 people.

Bypass roads 356/3157/3670 devoured more than 99 dunums.

Oslo accords divided the land into C and B areas :

B area: 3,954 dunums.

C area: 195,680 dunums / of which 46,841 dunums are a natural reserve.


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This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union The content of this document is the sole responsibility of LRC and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union