
LRC hosts a delegation from the EU office in Palestine

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Monday , October 21 , 2019 , Land Research Center received Mrs. Basma ‘Aduwin director of Human Rights and Democracy Program and other representatives from the European Union , to view Israeli violations in Bethlehem governorate.

LRC General Director Jamal Al-Amleh presented a slideshow on Geopolitical situation in Palestine , especially West Bank. Followed by a presentation for Dr. Mohammad Al-Slaimiya director of “Securing the Palestinian Right of Land and Housing project” , who explained the project’s idea , objectives , activities and achievements.

The participants conducted a field tour that included Al-Khas village , where the delegation saw the destruction left by the occupation bulldozers in Wadi Al-Humus after they destroyed several residential buildings , they also learned about Israeli demolition policies in Jerusalem and its suburbs and the current situation of Wadi Al-Humus.

Then, the participants headed to Za’atara village to observe “Nokodim” illegal settlement continuous expansion, where they met with Milad legal aid office members Mr.Nsri Suliman and Eng.Mes’adeh Jubran, the attendants looked into “Nokodim” settlement expansion schemes which is constructed on confiscated lands from Tuqu’ , Za’atra and Jannatah.

At Last , the participants reached to Al-Wallaja village south west Jerusalem , and stopped by a clinic that received a halt of work order from the occupation, its case is adopted within “Securing the Palestinian right of land and housing” project activities, members from Milad legal aid office in Ar-Reef Al-Gharbi joined them , Mr. Khalil Mu’amar and Mrs. Jihan Ubaid Allah , and  presented a small presentation on Al-Walaja and what it is going through from the occupation. The tour was concluded by a visit to Hassan Salah house which is under demolition sword , and its case is also adopted  within “Securing the Palestinian right of land and housing” project activities.

The delegation expressed dismay over Israeli Human Rights violations against Palestinians , and confirmed their solidarity with the Palestinians in their steadfastness and struggle for their rights of land and housing.

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Secure Palestinians Land & Housing Rights (SPLHR)

