
Demolishing houses and facilities in Al-Mintar and Wad Aj-Jamal / Occupied Jerusalem 

November 11th 2019 , the Israeli occupation’s bulldozers demolished residences in two Bedouin communities in Occupied Jerusalem. The first one in Al-Mintar Bedouin community in As-Sawahera Ash-Sharqiya close to “Kidar” illegal settlement , and the second is in Wad Aj-Jamal down Jabal Al-Baba in Al-Eizariya.

Monday, a massive army forces , border guards , two bulldozers and a truck raided Al-Mintar Bedouin community, and closed the road that takes to the community  , then carried on demolishing two houses and a barn , the demolition was not preceded by any military orders.

The targeted facilities were built of zinc and woods a while ago , and inhabited by number of families , the houses belong to:



Area m2

Family members



Mohammed Al-Hathaleen





Orwa Ja’afar




While the barn belongs to Mohammed Hamdeen , and has a total area of 80 m3, built one month ago for cattle breeding.

After the demolition, the occupation authorities confiscated the components of the barn, to make sure that the owner won’t be able to rebuild it, as they usually do in Bedouin community.

The occupation also demolished a house that belongs to “Majid Jahaleen” in Wad Aj-Jamal Bedouin community; the targeted house had a total area of 70 m2, the house was demolished without any preceding military orders.

Al-Mintar Bedouin Community:

Al-Mintar is one of the Bedouin communities east Occupied Jerusalem , and has a total area of 36 dunums , along with 200 agricultural dunums planted with ervil, barley and wheat. The houses of the community are barracks, and there are 68 families living in the community (about 470 members), residents of the community are originally from Be’er Sheva , and were forcedly immigrated from Al-Mintar area in 1948, thr community composes of 4 families: Al-Hathaleen , Al-Hamamdi, Krushan and Sawahera , most of them depend mainly on raising animals for living.

Borders of the community:

The community is surrounded by : Arab Aj-Jahaleen community (east), As-Sawahera Ash-Sharqiya community(south – west) and Au Nuwwar community (North).

The community lacks basic services such as electricity, roads and transportation networks in addition to medical and educational services.