
Palestinian from Beit Sakariya demolishes his own store

Israeli Violations in the time of Corona

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Violation: Israeli troops force a Palestinian to demolish his own house.

Date: April 3nd 2020.

Location: Beit Sakariya – Hebron governorate.

Perpetrator: The Israeli Occpation Civil Administration.

Victims: Citizen ‘Amer ‘Oudeh.


The Israeli Occupation Forces accompanied by a vehicle from the civil administration raided Beit Sakariya village in April 2nd 2020, and gave citizen ‘Amer ‘Oudeh a demolition notice on his store on the pretext of building without licenses , the notice was entitled “final chance to object”.

The notice was delivered during the Corona lockdown, while most legal aid institutions and departments are closed, and Palestinians are in quarantine after the wide spread of the virus, but the occupation found this a chance to practice arbitrary demolition measurements in Beit Sakariya close to “Kfar Etzion” settlement cluster.

Reportedly, the targeted store was built of stones and zinc sheets, and used for storing agricultural goods. Most residents of Beit Sakariya live in run-down houses, but the occupation are banning renovation works, while settlers practice daily harassments against people of the village.

Hassan Brijiya from Colonization and Wall Resistance Commission in Bethlehem office told LRC: “Despite the difficult reality we are witnessing, we contacted the store owner and we will try our best to help him, the occupation is taking advantage of this lockdown as much as it is possible.”

According to the notice, the owner has only 3 days to object, after that , the occupation forces will carry out the demolition and make him pay all the costs.

However, in April 3rd 2020 , ‘Oudeh demolished the store in his own hands to avoid the high costs in case the occupation authorities rented a bulldozer for the demolition.

About Beit Sakariya :[1]

Khallet Beit Sakariya (Beit Sakariya hamlet) is located some 5 km east of the 1949 Armistice Line (Green line) and about 8.5 km to the southwest of Bethlehem city. It's considered part of Nahhalin village cluster along with Khallet al Balluta (Al Balluta Hamlet), all comprise a total area of 17249 Dunums. Khallet Beit Sakariya is a home to 142 inhabitants, according to the Palestinian Central Bureau of statistics – 2007 and sets on a total built of 49.5 dunums.

Settlements surrounding the hamlet:

Settlement's name

Establishment year

Total area ,Dunums

Settlers number

Rosh Zurim




Alon Shifot








Kfar Etzion





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This report was created with the financial support of the EU

The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of LRC , and do not in any way reflect the positions of the European Union