
Arson eats up hundreds of Olive trees in Burin village / Nablus governorate

Israeli Violations in the Time of Corona

Violation: setting fire in hundreds of olive trees.

Location: Burin village / Nablus governorate.

Date: June 27th 2020.

Perpetrators: radical settler from “Givat Ronin” outpost.

Victims: people of Burin.


Saturday June 27th 2020, A group of radical settlers from Givat Ronen outpost set fire to hundreds of fruitful olive trees in Burin South Nablus.

Colonization activist and Burin village council head told LRC:

“About 1:00pm on Saturday, A fanatic settlers set fire to vast areas of lands east Burin, according to an eyewitness the perpetrator ran to Giva’at Runen illegal outpost.”

The eyewitness asserted:

“The flames reached several locations such as Khallet Jurai’a , Habayel Ismael , Khallet Qatta Khallet Hanoun , families of the village managed to stop the fire after it ate up about 1200 trees , among them 800 trees were completely destroyed , they belong to Najad, Qdous , ‘Imran and Zain families.”

Qadus asserted, Israeli fire truck were very close in Giva’at Runen outpost , but they did not help in killing the fire.

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About Burin:[1]

10 km to the south of Nablus city, Burin is surrounded by Nablus city (north), Madama and Iraq Burin (west), Kafr Qalil and Orata (east), Huwwara (south).

Burin has a population of 2844 people in 2017 census.

It has an area of 10,416 dunums, of which 335 dunums are the village’s built-up area.

The occupation confiscated about 2177 dunums of Burin’s lands:

  • Israeli settlements devoured 1099 dunums for the construction of the following settlements:

Settlement name

Establishment year

Area in dunums

Number of settlers





Gib’at Ronen, Sne Ya’acov








  • Bypass 60 and 555 devoured (387) dunums.
  • Israeli military camps devoured (691) dunums.

The town as divided by Oslo conventions:

  • B area : (2,408) dunums.
  • C area (9,941) dunums

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This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union The contents of this document is the sole responsibility of LRC and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union