
Settlers sabotage Palestinian Private Properties in Odala village / Nablus governorate

Violation: Slashing car tires and writing hatred inciting slogans.

Location: Odala village / south Nablus.

Date: December 3rd 2018.

Perpetrator: “Price tag” settlers.

Victims: People of Odala village.


Monday, December 3rd 2018, Illegal Israeli settlers -Believed to come from Itamar settlement – raided Odala village and sabotaged Palestinian private properties.

Odala village council head Hussam Al-Kharouf:

“In the early morning hours of Monday, a group of fanatic settlers raided the village and committed vandalism acts represented in slashing tires in 4 cars and writting hatred inciting slogans on two houses.”

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Photos 1-3: some of the damages they left

Colonists’ break-ins and arson attacks on Palestinians communities are meant to terror and harass Palestinian citizens to push them out of their areas. The most vicious attack was the torching of Dawabsheh family while sleeping on August 2015, the same group of gangsters carried out many attacks in Salfit governorate varying from cutting down aging trees to shutting down agricultural roads and confiscating vast area of lands to serve the colonial expansion in the area.

Odala village:

Odala is one of the smallest villages in Nablus, it enjoys a great location on the foot of a mount, it is one of the oldest inhabited villages in the area and used to be a rest stop for travelers.

The village is situated to the south east of Nablus, it overviews Odala and Huwwara valleys and has a total population of 2000 people.