
New outposts established in Khirbet Farisiya /Tubas governorate

Israeli Violations in the time of Corona:

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Violation: establishing a new outpost.

Location: Khirbet Al-Faresiya / Tubas governorate.

Date: July 6th 2020.

Perpetrators: Settlers of the illegal settlement “Rotem”.

Victims: Farmers of Khirbet Al-Farisiya.


Monday morning, July 6th 2020 a group of settlers set up a canopy above a hill in Khirbet Al-Farisiya east Tubas , the canopy is about 400 m away from the Khirbet’s houses.

Reportedly, A group of fanatic settlers imposed their control over the hell, and used their guns to keep Palestinian herders away from the location.

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Photo 1: the new outpost

Mahdi Daraghmeh head of Bedouin and rural communities in Wad Al-Malih told LRC:

“The targeted hill links Al-Farisiya to agricultural lands and postures in the western side , it also overview the eastern borders of the northern Jordan Valley. Closing those lands will mean the closure of vast areas of postures. Noteworthy, most residents of Al-Farisiya depend mainly on cattle breeding for living, the closure of more postures will make their lives impossible.”

In 2017, a group of settlers established an outpost in Khallet Hamed , that expanded in a blink of an eye northeast Al-Farisiya. Herders, who are the great majority the area’s residents, lost vast areas of postures as a result of establishing and expanding illegal outposts, the new outpost is only 1500m away from the outpost in Khallet Hamed.

During the last 5 years, LRC team reported and documented the establishment of eight new outposts in the Palestinian Jordan Valley area, after taking over Palestinian agricultural lands and postures and banning their owners/farmers from accessing them.

Khirbet Al-Faresiya:

Khirbet Al-Faresiya is located to the eastern side of Tubas governorate, especially in Wadi Al-Malih area about 20 km away from Tubas city, the lands of the Khirbet range from At-Tayaseer check point west to the Jordan river east.

Al-Faresiya now has a total population of 181 people “2017 census” , but before Israel occupied West Bank in 1967 , Al-Faresiya had a population of 1000 people who depend mainly on agriculture and cattle breading for living.

People of Al-Farisiya descend from Bsharat, Dababat , and Daraghmeh families from Tubas and Tamoun , people of the Khirbet live in basic residences built of zinc and other basic materials.

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Photo 2 : Khirbet Al-Farisiya

The khirbet was known of water springs and rich soil which made it an attraction to number of farmers from the West Bank.

Noteworthy, Khirbet Al-Faresiya was targeted of demolition by the occupation forces several times, its residences went through forcible displacement , and the occupation is refusing to license their structures until this day.

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This report was prepared under SPLHR project

The contents of this document are the responisibilty of LRC and do not reflect the positions of the EU