
The Israeli Occupation Authorities Notifya school with demolition in the Bedouin community of Arab al-Ka'abana

Violation:  serving a demolition notice

Date:  September 08, 2020

Location: Ras Et-Tin area

Perpetrators: Israel Civil Administration

Victims:  students of the community          


On Tuesday of September 08, 2020, a number of Israeli military jeeps accompanied by the Inspection Sub-Committee of Israel Civil Administration raided the area of Arab al-Ka'abna and delivered a " Final Stop-work and Demolition" notice under the number 61300 to the local school. The notice mentioned that all works should be halted and that what has been built so far should be demolished within a period of three days. In case the responsible people do not comply with the notice, the occupation forces carry out the task and charge Palestinians the cost of demolition.

Noteworthy, the targeted school is 120m2 in area, where 40 students attend their classes. The structure is tin-roofed.

Image title      The Israeli military notice no. 61300

It should be indicated that the school has been targeted by the occupation authorities with stop work. It happened on September 01, 2020, the notice was served on the claim that the structure was built without a proper license.

According to military order, a deadline until September 08, 2020 was given as a final date to complete all licensing procedures. This comes in time with the session of the Planning Committee in Beit El court to consider the status of the notified structures.".

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The military notice no. 30804 of stop-work

Reportedly, the school has been a target for the occupation authorities, it was broken into during August 2020. Construction materials were confiscated at the time. Later on, the occupation forces also broke into the school on September 03, 2020 and confiscated 35 school chairs and 12 tin plates and other metal poles.

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The Israeli minutes of confiscation no. 01081

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 the target school

The head of the Bedouin community Salameh Ka'abna told Land Research Center the following:

" our community in Ras Et-Tin area is a marginalized one, it is located on lands from Kafr Malik village, northeast Ramallah and is inhabited by 30 families. We don’t have any basic services in the area, where Israeli settlers have been trying to erupt an outpost. Our children used to travel dangerous roads to attend the nearby school. Therefore, we decided to build one with funds from International Organizations. Unfortunately, the occupation authorities raided the construction site three times, the school was notified with stop-work and demolition, not mentioning the many items that were confiscated from it"

Ka'abna members are reported to have received a total of 13 stop-work and demolition notices on their residences from the Planning Committee relative to Israel Civil Administration.

It should also be mentioned that the residents of Al-Ka'abna community were born in here and have been living in it since 1970. The community populates 120 residents, who do not possess any ownership documents for the lands, on which they reside since they are considered nomads.

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This report was prepared as part of Securing Palestinian Land and Housing Rights project activties

The contents of this document are the responsibility of LRC , and do not rerflect positions and views of The European Union