
Demolishing a business facility and an under construction house in Al-Lubban Al-Gharbi / Ramallah governorate

Violation: Demolishing a business facility and an under construction house.

Location: Al-Lubban Al-Gharbi village / Ramallah governorate.

Date: November 25th 2020.

Perpetrators: The Israeli Civil Administration.

Victims: Citizens ‘Ali Wahdan and Mohammed Abu Salim.


The Israeli Occupation accompanied by the building and organization department in the “Israeli Civil Administration” raided Al-Lubban Al-Gharbi village, and carried on ravaging a shack used as a vehicle repair workshop , in addition to house foundations. The demolition followed a notice issued in reference to military order “1797” which targets incomplete and uninhabited houses.

Owners of the targeted facilities received demolition and removal notices in October 14th 2020 and November 19th 2020, the occupation authorities gave the owners only 96 hours to evict their properties.

The following table shows more information about the targeted facilities and owners:

Affected citizen

Family members


Military order number

Type of facility

Photo no

‘Ali Wahdan




-Shack (40 m2) used as a vehicle repair workshop.

-A bathroom built of bricks and zinc.

-front yard (60 m2) built of cement.


Raed Abu Salim




-Under construction house , foundations phase with a total area of 160 m2





Sources: Firsthand field observation- Israeli Violations Monitoring Section – Land Research Center – November 2020

‘Ali Wahdan (59) told LRC the following:

“Three months ago I started a vehicle repair business, to create a job for myself and put food on the table for my family. Soon enough, a massive army force and a civil administration officer showed up and gave me a halt of work notice , I tried to object , but the objection was refused , so the occupation authorities carried out the demolition, leaving me with 43 thousand shekels loss.”

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Photos 5-6: Demolition and removal notices for citizens’ homes in Al-Lubban Al- Gharbi

Al-Lubban Al-Gharbi village:[1]

30 km northwest Ramallah, Al-Lubban Al-Gharbi is surrounded by Deir Ballut (north) , Rantees and the greenline (west) , Aboud (east) and Bani Zaid (west) . Bayt Areh settlement is built on confiscated lands (east) , Aboud and Rantis (south) , it is also blocked by ‘Ofarim settlement (south).

Al-Lubban Al-Gharbi has a total population of (1566) people in 2017 census.

The village has a total area of 10,779 dunums , of which 280 dudums are a built up area for Al-Lubban Al-Gharbi.

The occupation confiscated (2369) dunums for the following:

Israeli settlements devoured about (1126) dunums as the following:


Establishment year

Area in dunums

Number of settlers for 2018

Beyt Areh








Bypasses 445 and 446 devoured 602 dunums.

The apartheid wall:

The existing apartheid walls 6,407 m , it ate up 641 dunums.

The under construction apartheid wall is (4,801) m, it will eat up 480 dunums.

In case the construction was completed , the wall will isolate (2,914) dunums.

According to Oslao accords the village lands are divided as the following:

B area : 305 dunums.

C area: 10,474 dunums.


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This report was prepared with EU funding

The contents of this document do not reflect positions and views of the European Union