
The occupation municipality forces Dweiat family to demolish their own structure / South Jerusalem

Thursday, August 13th 2020, Dweiat family demolished a part of their building in Sour Bahir south Jerusalem on the pretext of building without licenses, the house belongs to Mohammed Dweiat who lives in the house with his family.

Mohammed Dweiat told Land Research Center:

“In 2006, I built a kitchen and a small corridor as an alternative for the stairs, to facilitate moving my son who suffers from cerebral palsy and cannot move at all, we used to have difficulty in taking him outside the house as we live at the second floor, and sometimes his mother fell on the stairs while carrying him.

In 2008, The Occupation’s municipality inspectors showed up and hanged a demolition notice on this part under claims of building without licenses, and delivered a 25,000 shekels fine, I hired a lawyer at that time to freeze the demolition order , but it didn’t work.

In 2015, the occupation’s municipality decided to demolish a part of the new structure, only two weeks later I was shocked of the occupation’s resolution to demolish everything we built.

Thursday , August 13th 2020 , using basic hand tools I demolished the corridor , after the occupation forces threatened that in case I did not demolish them , they will carry out the demolition and make me pay about 70,000 shekels fine.”

Noteworthy, since the beginning of year 2020, the occupation municipality forced tens of Jerusalemite families to demolish their houses and/or facilities. During the Corona lockdown and as the world raises the slogan stay home, the occupation authorities forces several Jerusalemites to demolish their houses with their bare hands under threats of expensive fines..

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This document was prepred with EU funding , the contents of this document are LRC responsibility