
Demolishing and confiscating a residential tent in Aj-Jiftlik village / Jericho governorate

Violation: Demolishing and confiscating a residential tent.

Location: Aj-Jiftlik village / Jericho governorate.

Date: October 21st 2020.

Perpetrators: The Israeli Occupation Civil Administration.

Victims: family of Hassan Ka’abneh.

Hassan Ka’abneh family in Tel Samadi area , south Aj-Jiftlik reflect the harsh reality of Palestinians in the Jordan Valley, it also mirrors the occupation’s arbitrary measurements represented in daily human rights violation and forcible replacement. Al- Ka’abneh family as a living example , were displaced twice in three weeks , the first time the family’s home was demolished based on military order 1797 , The second time their residence was demolished and confiscated based on a military order  issued under the pretext of protection on archeology.


Wednesday , Oct 21st 2020 , three military Jeeps and an Israeli truck accompanied by Officer of Archeology from the Israeli Civil Administration raided Tel As-Samadi south Aj-Jiftlik , and carried on demolishing and confiscating a residential tent with a total area of (16 m2) , metal outdoor bathroom , an air conditioner , and other properties belong to Hassan Ka’abneh family , the confiscated properties were a donation from the Colonization and Wall Resistance Commission after the family lost their house in the first time. At the end of the demolition and confiscation process the owner received military order entitled “Halting Destroying Archeology” numbered (00513) , as the occupation claims , the owner was also handed a confiscation notice at the end of the operation.

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Location of the confiscated tent

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Notice of Halting Destroying Archeology

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 confiscation notice

In September 30th 2020, the occupation completely destroyed a house built of bricks and stones with a total area of 80 m2, and in reference to military order “1797” his loss reached about 12,000 shekels, the owner had to find another refuge for his family, but it was soon destroyed by the arbitrary occupation.

Hassan Ka’abneh told LRC:

“It is my right as a human being to live in peace, I have no other place to go, The Occupation demolishes our houses and facilities without an excuse, we tried to get a license but until this moment the occupation refuses to look at them, and now my family is homeless as a result of the occupation’s arbitrary measurements.”

Reportedly, the Israeli Occupation demolished several residential and agricultural facilities that belong to Arab Abu Al-‘Ajaj community in Tel Samadi area, in addition to issuing a handful of military orders that targets houses and facilities , noting that the Occupation claims that a big part of the area is Archeology, while another big part was classified as State lands . At the time Palestinians lose their homes under these claims, Illegal colonists built a colony at the area “Masua or Mushav”  , where they get many facilitations from the so called Israeli government.

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 Tel As-Samadi area

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This report is part of SPLHR project activities 

This report was made with EU funding, The contents of this document do not reflect positions and views of the EU