
Colonists Continue Attempts to take over Al-Hilweh Spring / east Tubas

Violation: An attempt to take over Al-Hilweh spring.

Location: Wad Al-Malih area / Tubas governorate.

Date: March 21st 2021.

Perpetrators: a group of colonists’ gangs.

Victims: Farmers and Bedouins at the area.


Sunday, March 21st 2021, a group of colonists tried to take over and impose control on  Al-Hilweh Spring in Wad Al-Malih east Tubas.

 Colonists brought construction materials to the targeted location, established a swimming pool, and prohibited farmers and herders from approaching the location under the protection of the occupation forces, which is a step towards complete closure.

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Photos 1-3: The spring after the violation

One of the victims, Mahdi Daraghma told LRC:

“At this time of Water shortage, Al-Hilweh spring is a main water source for farmers and harders. Not only one, but many communities benefit from the spring, namely: (‘Ein Al-Hilweh, Umm Aj-Jamal, Makhoul and Wad Al-Faw) . Here, at the Jordan valley we suffer from the occupation policies which confiscated water reservoirs and imposed restrictions on digging cisterns. Thus, deprived farmers and herders from water access which nourishes all life on earth, and in case water was available, it is so expensive to farmers here at the Jordan Valley.”

Reportedly, during 2019 the Israeli occupation prohibited a developmental institution from developing Al-Hilweh spring area, they also notified what was built around the spring, on the pretext of protecting a natural reserve.

Wad Al-Malih area is under a vicious assault by illegal colonists, through confiscating vast areas of lands and closing them to Palestinians, and also by establishing outposts in several spots. This is a part of the occupation’s policies to Judaize the area and impose realities on the ground, and deprive Palestinians from their basic Human Rights.


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This report was prepared as part of Secure Palestinian Land & Housing Rights project activities

The Contents of this document are the responsibility of LRC and do not reflect EU position