
Expansions in “Ma’ale Ephraim” colony / Jericho governorate

Violation: Ravaging vast areas of pastoral lands.

Location: Aj-Jiftlik / Jericho governorate.

Date: March 4th 2021.

Perpetrators: Colonists of “Ma’ale Ephraim”.

Victims: People of the surrounding Bedouin communities.


The Israeli Occupation Machineries continue ravaging vast areas of Pastoral lands south Aj-Jiftlik , around “Ma’ale Ephraim” colony.

Reportedly, March 4th 2021, LRC field monitoring team documented ravages of vast areas of lands around the illegal colony Ma’ale Ephraim, leveling about 45 dunums.

A new block will be added to the colony, to expand its area of control, a step that will perpetuate Judaization at the area, affecting all aspects of life for Palestinians.

Early September, LRC monitoring Israeli Violations team documented the ravaging of 90 dunums around Ma’ale Ephraim, read the full report.

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Photos 1-3: Ravages at Ma’ale Ephraim

On the ground, this is part of Israeli silent Annexation of the Jordan Valley, the targeted areas currently in settlement expansion, were once fertile agricultural lands that provide many Palestinian farmers with a good income.

The Jordan Valley was also once a populated area, intentionally emptied following 1967 war through Israeli forcible displacement policies, and depriving hundreds of farmers families from their farm lands (their only source of income).

It is noteworthy that the settlement of “Ma’aleh Ephraim” was established in the year 1978 on the lands of the village of Al-Jiftlik. Today, it occupies an area 1464 dunums and inhabited by 1206 settlers by the end of the year 2018.

The colony occupies a strategic location which overlooks the central Jordan Valley area and connects the Jordan valley road No. 90 with Israel proper through trans Samaria road No 5.

During 2019, the Israeli Ministry of Housing ratifies a bid to build a large number of housing units inside the colony, which is classified as a regional council colony and enjoys great privileges in terms of housing and vital services that ensure its continuous growth.

Jiftlik Village:

Al-Jiftlik village is located 35 km north of Jericho, and its population is 3100 people according to the 2017 census. Its total area is 185031 dunums, of which 1110 dunums are built up area. The occupation confiscated an area of 12040 dunums from its lands, as follows:

3207 dunums were confiscated for building Israeli settlements in the area, including the settlement of Maswa.

3328 dunums were confiscated for the purpose of building settlement roads bearing the numbers 90, 505 and 508.

5505 dunums for the purpose of building military camps for the Israeli army.

Source: Geographical Information Unit at the Land Research Center.

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This report was prepared as part of Secure Palestinian Land & Housing Rights project activities

The Contents of this document are the responsibility of LRC and do not reflect EU positio