
Radical Colonists Continue Their Assaults Against Jerusalemites/Occupied Jerusalem

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Source: Middle East Eye

A Group of Illegal Colonists Attacked Jerusalemites in the Occupied City repeatedly throughout many nights. During the attacks, radical colonists smashed windows, threw stones on houses at the old city of Jerusalem, Specifically at Al-Wad street, Al-Qarmi neighborhood, and Shaikh Jarrah. Nevertheless, a group of armed colonists opened gunfire towards Palestinians and protestors in Shaikh Jarrah neighborhood and Saladin street, the occupation police soon joined them to cover as they carry out assaults against Palestinians.

Injuries and properties damages were reported in Shaikh Jarrah and the Old City of Jerusalem, while Jerusalemites were gathered in groups to protect each other from the attacks.

 Noting that several colonial institutions called for carrying out attacks against Palestinians and their properties, and provoked colonists to “Kill Arabs” and “Set fire to their Homes”.

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Source: Al-Jazeera

Many of these colonial institution and pages are managed by Radical Extremist Itama Ben-Gvir, who is responsible for many terrorist attacks in Jerusalem. He also through Lahave organization provoked other colonists to attack Palestinians nearby Damascus Gate, which was followed by violent clashes between colonists and Jerusalemites.

Ben-Gvir set up an office in Shaikh Jarrah area, and daily provokes hundreds of Israeli illegal colonists to carry out terrorist attacks against Palestinians and protestors in Shaikh Jarrah in particular, and the old city of Jerusalem in general.

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Protecting marginalized communities in Jerusalem through legal support and advocacy

This report was prepared with EU funding, the contents of this document do not reflect positions of the European Union