
Four Stores Notified in Deir Qaddis village / Ramallah Governorate

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Violation: Removal notice within 96 hours.

Location: Al-Mhalel neighborhood – Deir Qaddis village/ Ramallah Governorate.

Date: June 22nd 2021.

Perpetrators: The building inspector- The Israeli Civil Administration.


Tuesday, June 22nd 2021, The Israeli Occupation forces and the so-called Civil Administration raided Al-Mhalel neighborhood in Deir Qaddis village, and gave citizen Mohammed Staih a military order number (21325) to remove four under construction stores with a total area of 280 m2 on the pretext of building without a license.

The military order gave the owner 96 hours to remove the building and return the plot to its previous status.

Noteworthy, Ayman Staih (48) supports a family of 8, 6 of them are children. And he had started a business to provide a source of income for the family.

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Photos 1-2: Photos of commercial stores

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Photo 3: The notice

Citizen Ayman Staih told LRC:

“I built the stores Six months ago, and I was hoping to build stores and a house for my family, but the occupation chases people of the village and imposes restrictions to facilitate demolishing houses and the conduction of forcible displacement.”

During the past two years the occupation destroyed number of businesses, which had bad effects on commercial traffic at the area. About 34 workshops were demolished, and a large number received demolition or halt-of-work notices for 15 residences.

One of the newest types of military orders, is military order 1797 issued in 2018, which targets under construction buildings, uninhabited buildings, or buildings inhabited for a period less than a month, this type of orders give only 96 hours before carrying out the demolition, it is almost impossible to file an objection against such military notices, and all petitions on them were refused.

About Deir Qaddis:[1]

Deir Qaddis is located 25 km west Ramallah and bordered by Shabteen (north), Na’alin (west), Kharabtha Bani Harith (east) and Bala’en (south). Deir Qaddis is populated 2452 in 2017, and has a total area of 8,051 dunums , of which 518 are the town’s built up area.

Israeli built illegal colonies “Na’ale” and Nili on the northern area of the town, and “Kiryat Sefer” in the southern area.

The occupation grabbed 2989 dunums of Deir Qaddis lands for the following purposes:

Settlements ate up (2,504) dunums:

Settlement name

Establishment year

Area of confiscated lands

Number of settlers 2018

confiscated lands from Deir Qaddis





Part of the settlement

Kiryat Sefer




Part of the settlement





Part of the settlement





Part of the settlement

2 – Bypass roads number 446 and 463 devoure 355 dunums.

3- The segregation wall is 1,944 m, ate up 194 dunums and blocked 1,816 dunums.

4- Military camps grabbed 130 dunums.

Oslo conventions divided the land as the following:

B area: (643) dunums.

C area: (7,408) dunums.


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This Publication has been produced with the assistance of the EU

The Contents of the publication are the sole responsibility of LRC Only, and can in noway be taken to reflect the views of the EU