
“Israeli Nature Authority” Plants Signs to turn a Bedouin community into a Natural Reserve in Deir Dibwan / Ramallah Governorate

Violation: Planting number of signs to close up an area.

Location: Wad As-Seeq Bedouin community – Deir Dibwan / Ramallah governorate.

Date: July 5th 2021.

Perpetrators: The Israeli Nature Authority.

Victims: Al-Ka’abneh Bedouin community in Wad As-Seeq .


Monday, July 5th 2021, As part of Israeli movement restrictions and collective punishment policies imposed on Palestinians, the so called Israeli Nature Authority raided Al-Ka’abneh Bedouin Community in Wad As-Seeq west Deir Dibwan , and planted a warning sign nearby.

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 Photos of the banners

 Bedouin community head Abdul Rahman Al-Ka’abneh told LRC:

“The area witnesses daily assaults by the occupation forces and colonists, only recently colonists raided the community, and carried on ravaging lands under claims that they own them. However, during the past ten years, 50 notices were served inside the community.”

People of the Bedouin community pointed out that the signs and the closures will have a devastating impact on the community, including banning construction, banning access to postures, which leads to a new phase of forced displacement of the community that depend on cattle breeding as a main source of income. Noteworthy, the community went under forced displacement from Al-M’uarejat area during the past decade, and the occupation forces demolished their tents many times.

Wad As-Seeq area in Deir Dibwan is heavily targeted by Israeli violations, the community composes of 33 Bedouin Families (240 people descend mostly from Al-Ka’abneh and Aj-Jahaleen) , they live a basic life, under the occupation’s attempts to Judaize the land , the community lacks a proper infrastructure , and water is bought is small tanks (about 33 shackles for each 10 $ for ever 1 m3) , which makes lives of the community people even more difficult.

Noteworthy, in 2016 the Palestinian Ministry of Education established (At-Tahadi 6) school at the Bedouin community in order to encourage education and support farmer’s steadfastness at the area , the school contains 64 students in elementary school.