
The Occupation Targets Facilities in Al-Lubban Al-Gharbi village/ Ramallah Governorate

Violation: halt of Work and demolition notices for structures.

Location: Al-Lubban Al-Gharbi village / Ramallah Governorate.

Date: July 27th 2021.

Perpetrators: The Israeli Civil Administration.

Victims: three families from the village.


Tuesday, July 27th 2021, a massive army force accompanied by the Civil Administration raided Al-Lubban Al-Gharbi north Ramallah, and a bulldozer demolished number of facilities on both sides of the bypass road.

The following table shows more information about demolition in Al-Lubban Al-Gharbi:

Affected Citizen

Family members



About the damages

Photo number

Khalid Abu Salim




Demolishing a water harvesting cistern with a storage capacity of 12 m3


Demolishing a stable built of bricks and a zinc ceiling 9 m2

Demolishing a zinc pergola that covers a car preparing workshop with a total area of 45 m2

Yousif Abu Salim




Demolishing retaining walls around a house about 32 m


‘Ali Nassir




Demolishing a Baton floor about 20 m2






Source: Firsthand Field Observation- Israeli Violations Monitoring Section – Land Research Center , July 2021.

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The Israeli Occupation Handed the victims a removal military order numbered (1797) . Noteworthy, in July 17th 2021 , the Occupation threatened to demolish the facilities within 96 hours after handing  the demolition order.

One of the victims Khalid Abu Salim (52) told LRC:

“The targeted facilities were built in 2001 , they are licensed despite being built in C area, I was shocked by the demolition operation implemented even though I did not add on the structures, rather I made some modifications to protect my family from the rain.”

  • Halt of Work Military Order:
  • The so called building inspector at the Israeli Civil Administration gave citizen ‘Ali Nassr a military order in July 25th 2021, the military order is numbered (31425) , and orders the immediate halt of work for a shack, with a total area of (36 m2) on the bypass road that leads to Beit Areh colony , the shack is used for selling construction materials.
  • According to the military order, the occupation sat August 9th 2021 , as the date of the subcommittee session in Beit El military court to decide the fate of the structures.

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Photos 8-9: The targeted shack and the military order

During the past few years, Land Research Center Documented the demolition of more than 14 residential and agricultural facilities in Al-Lubban Al-Gharbi , the Israeli Occupation continues its violations in every possible way.

Al-Lubban Al-Gharbi village:[1]

30 km northwest Ramallah, Al-Lubban Al-Gharbi is surrounded by Deir Ballut (north) , Rantees and the greenline (west) , Aboud (east) and Bani Zaid (west) . Bayt Areh settlement is built on confiscated lands (east) , Aboud and Rantis (south) , it is also blocked by ‘Ofarim settlement (south).

Al-Lubban Al-Gharbi has a total population of (1566) people in 2017 census.

The village has a total area of 10,779 dunums , of which 280 dudums are a built up area for Al-Lubban Al-Gharbi.

The occupation confiscated (2369) dunums for the following:

Israeli settlements devoured about (1126) dunums as the following:


Establishment year

Area in dunums

Number of settlers for 2018

Beyt Areh








Bypasses 445 and 446 devoured 602 dunums.

The apartheid wall:

  • The existing apartheid walls 6,407 m , it ate up 641 dunums.
  • The under-construction segment of the apartheid wall is (4,801) m, it will eat up 480 dunums.
  • In case the construction was completed, the wall will isolate (2,914) dunums.

According to Oslo accords the village lands are divided as the following:

  • B area: 305 dunums.

  • C area: 10,474 dunums.

Land Research Center LRC sees that demolitions contradict with all of the International conventions and Humanitarian laws including:

  • Article 147 of Geneva fourth convention : extensive destruction and appropriation of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly. ( it is considered a serious violation of the convention)
  • Article 53 of Geneva fourth convention that forbids destroying properties : Any destruction by the Occupying Power of real or personal property belonging individually or collectively to private persons, or to the State, or to other public authorities, or to social or co-operative organizations, is prohibited, except where such destruction is rendered absolutely necessary by military operations.
  • Article 33 of Geneva fourth convention: No protected person may be punished for an offence he or she has not personally committed.
  • Article 32 of Hague convention 1907 part g: To destroy or seize the enemy's property, unless such destruction or seizure be imperatively demanded by the necessities of war.
  • Article 17 of Universal declaration of human rights 10 –Dec- 1948: No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property