
The Israeli Occupation Modifies Borders of a Natural Reserve in Wad Al-Malih / Tubas Governorate

Violation: A new map that modifies borders of a natural reserve that targets (1633 dunums).

Location: Wad Al-Malih area / East Tubas.

Date: June 27th 2021.

Perpetrators: The Israeli So-Called Nature Authority.

Victims: People of Rural and Bedouin communities at the area.


Sunday June 27th 2021 , the so-called Israeli Nature Authority revealed a new scheme for Wad Al-Malih area. The scheme will extend confiscation of 1633 dunums of Wad Al-Malih area under the pretext of a Natural Reserve.

The so-called Civil Administration West Bank Army Commander Fares ‘Ataila signed the military order entitled “An Order For a Natural Reserve (Rotem – Maskeyot) number 365 , 573 – 1969.

The Publication Was attached by a detailed map and made a modification of a previous plan revealed last year, and aims to impose control over vast areas of lands between ‘Ein Al-Hilweh and Wad Al-Faw to Al-Himeh and Khirbet Al-Farisiya , most of the lands are pastoral-like and belong to number of farmers in Wad Al-Malih and Tubas (families of Dababat, Daraghmeh and ‘Einbusi).


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 A view of the targeted area

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 The Detailed map

Al-Malih Village Council head Mahdi Daraghma told LRC:The targeted area is one of the occupation’s priorities , it is a strategic location surrounded by 4 illegal colonies (Maskiyot , Rotem , Mehola , and Sal’it). in addition to three illegal outposts in ‘Ein Hilweh , Khallet Hames and Al-Faw . The plan if implemented will affect more than 37 rural and Bedouin families that depend on cattle breeding for living , such as communities of Umm Al-Jamal , ‘Ein Al-Hilweh , Al-Farisiya , Al-Hammeh , Humair.”

Throughout the past years, the Occupation have been imposing restrictions that hinder farmers access to their lands , or cattle breeding , and most of the community’s houses are threatened of demolition and complete removal.

‘Aref Daraghmeh – an activist in the Northern Jordan Valley Area told LRC: “During the past five years 90 % of the Jordan valley lands fell under Israeli illegal control, which is a catastrophe to people of the area who are closer to forced displacement every day .in other words, the occupation’s intention to annexing the Jordan Valley is crystal clear.”

Daraghmeh pointed out: “The Israeli Occupation is trying to impose control over the Palestinian Jordan Valley in every possible way, including military trainings carried out by the Israeli Occupation and their devastating effects on the agricultural sector, in addition to closing and confiscating vast areas of postures through settling them as natural reserves , closed military areas , or mined areas . On the other hand, the occupation imposed high fines on farmers and ranchers on the pretext of accessing or using a closed military zone. The Occupation also forcedly imposed control over water resources , all these policies aim to exhaust Palestinian farmers and push them to give up , and to achieve the Israeli scheme to annex the Jordan Valley- the only window in the west bank to the outer world.”