
Halt of Work Notices for Cisterns in Rammun village/ Ramallah governorate

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Violation: Serving Halt of Work notices.

Location: Rammun Village/ Ramallah governorate.

Date: March 23rd 2021.

Perpetrators: The Israeli Occupation Civil Administration.

Victims: Number of farmers families.


Tuesday, March 23rd 2021, the Israeli Occupation Authorities and the so-called Civil Administration raided Rammun village and notified four agricultural cisterns, with halt of work notices on the pretext of building without a license.

The Occupation vehicles raided “Al-Laweyat” and “Al-Mahdra” areas in natural blocks “15” and “16” of Ramun village lands northeast Ramallah city, and targeted four cisterns that were recently rehabilitated, noting that this project was implemented by the Italian institution GVC late last year.

According to the military orders, the occupation sat April 19th 2021, as the date of the building and organization session in Beit El military court to decide the fate of the structure.

Citizen ‘Aref Hamdan (71) told LRC the following:

“The targeted cisterns were built over a year ago in Rammun area, which is well-known for its rich soil and agricultural products, few years ago the area became a destination for herders and farmers, the four ancient cisterns were still a vital water source for irrigation and drinking, each one of them had a storage capacity of 75 m3, late last a rehabilitation project for the cisterns was implemented (leveling the floor of the cistern and cleaning it), but it was soon followed by halt of work notices”.

The following table shows more information about the damages:


Storage capacity

Military order number

Photo number

Heirs of the late ‘Izzat Mansour

75 m3



Heirs of ‘Abed Al-‘Awwad

90 m3



Heirs of Abdelnabi Al-Mansour

75 m3



Heirs of Mohammed Abu Farha

75 m3



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The Israeli Occupation heavily targets Natural Resources in Ramallah and Al-Bireh area, especially those to the east of bypass Alon, during the past few months many houses were demolished, and the occupation authorities seized vast areas of lands for the expansion of the illegal colonies.

Reportedly, about 13 Bedouin and Rural families live in the area in basic houses, and most of them depend mainly on these four cisterns for water supply, if the cisterns were destroyed, people will suffer to provide water for their cattle and farmlands.

Rammun village:[1]

16 km to the east of Ramallah, Rammun is surrounded by At-Tayba (east and north) , Ein Yabroud (west), and Deir Dibwan (south).

The village of Rammun has a total area of 27,341 dunums, of which 463 dunums are a built-up area.

The Israeli Occupation confiscated 410 dunums for bypasses numbers 449 and 458 (about 4,100 m long).

Oslo Accords classified the town’s lands:

  • A area: 407 dunums.
  • B area: 7,205 dunums.
  • C area: 19,729 dunums.


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