
Halt of Work Notices for Structures in Beit Liqya town / Ramallah governorate

Violation: Halt of Work notices.

Date: August 16th 2021.

Location: Beit Liqya town / Ramallah Governorate.

Perpetrators: The Israeli Civil Administration.

Victims: Musa and ‘Assi families.


Monday, August 16th 2021, the building inspector at the Israeli Civil Administration raided Beit Liqya town from the northwest side, and served halt of work notices on structures on the pretext of building in C area without a license.

According to the notices, the occupation sat September 1st 2021, as the date of the building and organization session in Beit El military court to decide the fate of the structures.

The following table shows more information about the targeted structures:

Affected Citizen

Family members



Area m2

Military order number

The targeted facility

Jameela Musa






Agricultural structure built of bricks and zinc + wall + gates

Jameel ‘Assi






Agricultural structure built of bricks and zinc / under construction

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The agricultural structure and the notice served to owner Jameela

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an agricultuar struture belongs to citizen Jameel

Beit Liqya in lines:[1]

14 km to the southwest of Ramallah city , Beit Liqya is surrounded by Beit Ur Al-Fouqa and Beit ‘Anan (east) , Kharabtha Al-Misbah village (north), Beit Nuba and Beit Sira (west) , and Beit Nuba lands from the south.

Beit Liqya has a total population of 9,304 people according to 2017 census[2].

Families of Beit Liqya: ‘Assi , Mafarja , Bader , Musa.

Beit Liqya has a total area of 13206 dunums, of which 1178 are a built-up area for the town, the town’s lands are classified as follows:

  • B area: 1374 dunums (10.4 %).
  • C area: 11832 dunums (89 . 6 %).
  • The Annexation and Expansion wall segment in Beit Liqya town is 4.3 km long, and isolates 2155 dunums around 15.6 % of the town lands, the occupation imposes restrictions that hinder farmers’ access to their lands behind the wall.

[1] Source: Beit Liqya village council.

[2] PCBS

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