
New Outpost to be Established in An-Nuw’eima / Jericho Governorate

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Violation: Establishing a new outpost.

Location: An-Nuwe’ima village / Jericho Governorate.

Date: August 15th 2021.

Perpetrators: Colonists of “Mevo’ut Yeriho”.

Victims: Bedouin Communities in An-Nuwe’ima and Ad-Duyuk At-Tihta.


As part of the occupation’s colonization policies in the Jordan Valley, Israeli Illegal Colonists sat up three new outposts at the area.

August 15th 2021, Sunday morning, A group of Colonists seized a 25 dunums of Pastoral lands northwest of An-Nuwe’ima village in Jericho. Reportedly, fanatic colonists sat up a metal siege around the confiscated area 300 m away from Mavo’ut Yeriho colony.

Colonists sat up five mobile houses, and surrounded them with a metal siege , in order to establish a new outpost , and prohibited herders from accessing their farmlands.

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‘Arab Az-Zayd community head Shaykh Abdulraheem Az-Zayed told LRC:

“The Occupation is trying to impose control over the northern part of the community, and closing all postures at the area, this will affect about 600 peasants living at the area, and levels to turn the community into an isolated area in “Mevo’ut Yeriho”.

On the ground, the new outpost will impose control and closure over 1502 dunums of postures between the outpost and Mevo’ut Yeriho Colony.

Reportedly, “Mevo’ot Yeriho” was established in 2001 on An-Nuwe’ima and Al-‘Auja lands west Jericho. The Outpost grew rapidly, and in 2020 it received full support from the Israeli company , and was recognized as an Israeli settlement in the West Bank by the government, by then colonists assaults against Palestinians in An-Nuwe’ima notably escalated.

The recognition was followed by confiscation and closure of 600 dunums of postures, that were a rich resource for herders and peasants at the area, who depend on cattle breeding as a main source for living.

“Mevo’ot Yeriho” is a wildcat outpost and its farmers practice agriculture especially date palm cultivation , it consists of wood and mobile houses and equipped with infrastructure , in July 2018 the outpost annexed 9 dunums of surrounding allocated as state property.

An-Nuwe’ima village :

Only 2 Km to the north of Jericho city , An-Nuwe’ima is surrounded by Al-‘Auja (north) , Deir Dibwan and Ramun (west), Jordan river (east) , and Jericho city (south).

An-Nuwe’ima has a total population  of (1.605) People until 2014 census.

An-Nuwe’ima has a total population of 66,218 people , of which 264 dunums are a built up area for An-Nuwe’ima village , and 150 dunums are a for ‘Ein Duyuk Al-Fouqa village.

The Occupation confiscated (5,264) dunums for the Following purposes:

  • Na’ami colony established on 1979 , confiscated 5188 dunums of An-Nuwe’ima village lands.
  • Bypass 90 devoured more than 76 dunums.
  • The Israeli Military camp confiscated 1,076 dunums.

Lands Classification according to Oslo Accords:

  • Area a: 14, 963 dunums.
  • Area C : 51, 255 dunums.

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