
Halt of Work Notice on Land Rehabilitation in An-Nabi Salih village / Ramallah

Violation: Halt of work notices for land rehabilitation.

Location: An-Nabi Saleh village / Ramallah city.

Date: September 14th 2021.

Perpetrator: The Building Inspector at the Israeli Civil Administration.

Victims: Number of farmers at the village


Tuesday, September 14th 2021, the building inspector at the Israeli Civil Administration raided An-Nabi Saleh village and served halt of work notices on a plot, on the pretext of building without a license.

According to the notices, the occupation sat October 13th 2021 as the date of the building and organization committee session in Beit El military court to decide the fate of the structure.

Noteworthy, the targeted plots are in natural block 6 of An-Nabi Saleh village lands.

The following table shows more information about the violation:


The targeted lands in dunums

Notice number


Farah Al-Barghuthi

And Musa Al-Barghuthi



The land was prepared with soil  

Heirs of Omar Al-Barghuthi

And heirs of Abdulatif Al-Barghuthi



The land was prepared with soil 

Affected Citizen Ashraf At-Tamimi told LRC:

“Five days ago, we started preparing the plot to be planted with olives, in order protect it from colonial schemes. At the first day of the rehabilitation, the occupation forces raided the location and served halt of work notices to the machineries working in the plot, noting that one month ago, the occupation confiscated a bulldozer at the area while it was leveling an agricultural road.”

Noteworthy, Agriculture is a key stone of the Palestinian economy, and it contributes in protecting Palestinian lands from colonial activities.

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Photos 1-3: Preparations at the lands

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Notice number 31428 which targets a 2 dunums plot

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Notice number 31429 which targets a 10 dunums plot

An-Nabi Salih village: 

25 km north west Ramallah, An-Nabi Salih is surrounded by Kafr Ein (north), Bani Zaid Al-Gharbiya (west) , Deir As-Sudabn and Umm Safa (east) and Deir Nitham (south) – Halmish settlement.

An-Nabi Salih has a total population of 522 people , according to 2017 census.

An-Nabi Salih has a total area of 2,340 dunums, of which 203 dunums are a built up area for the village.

The occupation confiscated 299 dunums for the following purposes:

  • “Halmish” settlement devoured 13 dunums of the town lands , it was established in 2018 and inhabited by 1254 settlers.
  • Bypass road 465 eat up 162 dunums.
  • Israeli military camps devoured 124 dunums.

Oslo convention divided the town lands as the following:

  • A area: 84 dunums.
  • B area: 596 dunums.
  • C area: 1660 dunums.

Israel Violates international Conventions and Agreements related to the rights of properties, including:

Article 17 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights:

  • Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others.
  • No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.

Article 23 of Hague Convention of 1907:

-To destroy or seize the enemy's property, unless such destruction or seizure be imperatively demanded by the necessities of war;

Article 53 of Geneva Fourth Convention for 1948

Any destruction by the Occupying Power of real or personal property belonging individually or collectively to private persons, or to the State, or to other public authorities, or to social or cooperative organizations, is prohibited, except where such destruction is rendered absolutely necessary by military operations.


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This Publication has been produced with the assistance of the EU
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