
The Israeli Occupation Demolished Parts of At-Tahadi School in Hamamt Al-Malih / Tubas Governorate

Violation: Demolishing and Confiscating Parts of At-Tahadi school.

Location:  Hamamat Al-Malih / East Tubas Governorate.

Date: October 25th 2021.

Perpetrators: The building Inspector at the Israeli Civil Administration.

Victims: 50 students.


Monday, October 25th 2021, A Massive army forces accompanied by the building inspector at the Israeli Civil Administration raided Hamamat Al-Malih area, the occupation leveled parts of At-Tahadi school, which contains more than 50 students.

Reportedly, the violation left the following damages:

  • Demolition of two classrooms (16 m2), built of steel sheets and confiscating the sheets.
  • Dismantling a pergola, with a total area of 150 m2.

Noteworthy, the so called antiquities inspector at the Israeli Civil Administration served two notices number (826, 827) in September 12th 2021, the notices include demolition orders for the school on the pretext of assaulting Antiquities, the so-called antiquities officer gave the owner 30 days to remove the school.

The School Consists of four classrooms built of basic materials like bricks and zinc (40 m2), a playground with a total area of 100 m , building was constructed late August 2020 , and contains 50 students  (from first to sixth grade) , from marginalized areas like Hamamat Al-Malih, Al-Maita, Al-Burj, ‘Ein Al-Hilweh and Umm Aj-Jammal , the school was constructed with the supervision of Colonization and Wall Resistance Commission with funding from GVC on Lands that belong to the Latin Patriarch.

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Photos 1-3: the remaining parts of the school

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Photo 4: Locations of the school after the Confiscation

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Photo 5: Confiscation Notice

During the Past Years, the Israeli occupation targeted most schools in isolated rural areas; also known as At-Tahahdi Shool (Challenge) built in 25 marginalized locations. The Israeli Occupation is depriving Palestinian Children from their right to education and living in dignity.

The Right to Education is a Fundamental Human Right. Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) makes universal free primary education compulsory. Since that day the importance of Right to Education was Emphasized in Many international Conventions and Agreements including: The UNESCO Convention Against Discrimination in Education (1960), The International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (1965) , International Convent on Economic , Social , and Cultural Rights (1966), Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women (1979) , Conventions on the Rights of a Child (1989).

However, the Israeli Occupation ignores all International Conventions and agreements, and takes measurements that deprive Palestinian Children in C area from their right to get proper education.

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