
The Israeli occupation forces Hizma citizen to self-demolish his structures

On February 14, 2017, citizen Malik Al-Khatib self-demolished an agricultural room and a toilet of his following an order issued by the Israeli Occupation Authorities in Hizma village, north Jerusalem on the claim of "unlicensed construction".

Citizen Al-Khatib told Land Research Center the following:

" I am married and have four children; my only source of income is the plants shop I have. Seven years ago, I built a 12m2 room to use it for plants and also constructed a 4m2 metal slaps room.

On February 14, 2017, Israeli policemen and employees from the ministry of interior arrived at our neighborhood and delivered demolition orders on different structures . I feared that the occupation demolishes my structures  and  fine me 50,000 INS. Therefore, I carried out the demolition operation myself using manual tools. Demolition lasted 7 hours".

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About Hizma:

It is 8km to the northeast of Jerusalem; it populates 9256 people on a built-up area of 1000 dunums out of its 18000 dunums total land area.

According to Oslo lands classification of 1993, a small part of the village's area -- the built-up area-- is classified as area "B" that is under Palestinian control where the rest is classified "C" that is administratively run by the occupation municipality of Jerusalem .

The occupation confiscated 2500 dunums of Hizma for the expansion of various colonies namely ( Pisgat Zev, Pisgat Amir, Adam and Nevi Yaacov)

It should be marked that the apartheid wall travels 4km on the lands of Hizma town, isolating 40% of the village's total area behind its construction.

Noteworthy, closures on the town have been applied on the town ever since the first intifada of 2000. Such measure was meant as a collective punishment on the town's residents.

This case study is part of Kan'aan Project

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