
On the pretext of Assaulting Antiquities, the Occupation notifies a Clinic – Tent in Khirbet Ibziq / Tubas Governorate

Violation: notifying a clinic tent.

Location: the Bedouin community (Ibziq) / Tubas governorate.

Date: October 28th 2021.

Perpetrators: The Israeli Civil Administration.

Victims: People of the Bedouin community (Ibziq).


Thursday, October 28th 2021, the building inspector at the Israeli Civil Administration raided the Ibziq Bedouin community north Tubas city, and targeted a tent used as a temporal clinic for people of the Bedouin community.

The Occupation on military order number 749 claimed that the targeted location is an antiquities site, where construction is banned.

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Notice number 749 which targets the tent

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A view of the targeted tent

Bedouin Community head Abdul Majeed Khdeirat told LRC:

“People of Khirbet Ibziq suffer from the Occupation’s violations; the occupation served many notices to people of Ibziq, the community lacks basic life needs, there are no roads, electricity or even a mosque to pray.

The Clinic is an essential need for the community that contains at least (110) people, most of the people head to ‘Aqaba village in the north (about 15 km away) on donkeys or tractors, the village council sat up the tent to provide a place to treat patients at the village, but the occupation even targeted this clinic.”

During the past few years, the occupation targeted Khirbet Ibziq many times, At-Tahadi 10 school, the only school at the khirbet was demolished, and its components were confiscated.

 Khirbet Ibziq is 8 km east of Tubas and is a targeted Bedouin gathering, just like the Khirbets of Samra, Ainon and Hamsa. Its inhabitants depend on sheep grazing and agriculture as sources of living and on wood and sackcloth for building their dwellings. They lack basic daily services like water and electricity. They can get water by carrying jars of water from Tubas to Ibziq; a journey of 8 km.

38 Bedouin families live in Ibziq; that is 256 people. 16 out of the 38 families live permanently in the area while others are nomads- according to the head of Ibziq community. Ibziq was named after Bazqin, a religious figure buried in the place.

The area of Ibziq is 8,000 dunums- 5,000 of which are considered Jordanian crown land Bedouins are not allowed to take advantage of because of Israeli continuous attacks, the latest of which were the eviction orders. The lands are considered closed military zone and lands for military practice

Demolishing Palestinian structures and facilities is a violation of international law:

Article 33 of Geneva fourth convention: No protected person may be punished for an offence he or she has not personally committed.

Article 32 of Hague convention 1907 part g: To destroy or seize the enemy’s property, unless such destruction or seizure be imperatively demanded by the necessities of war.

Article 17 of Universal declaration of human rights 10 –Dec- 1948: No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.

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