
The Israeli Occupation Served a Demolition notice for a House/ Jiftlik village

Violation: Removal notice for a house on the pretext of assaulting antiquities.

Location: Aj-Jiftlik village / Jericho governorate.

Date: November 2nd 2021.

Perpetrators: Antiquities department at the Israeli Civil Administration.

Victims: Citizen Hassan Al-Ka’abneh.


Tuesday, November 2nd 2021, The Building inspector at the Israeli Civil Administration served a notice to a residential tent built of a metal body and plastic sheets belongs to citizen Hassan Al-Ka’abneh from ‘Arab Abu Al-‘Ajaj community south Aj-Jiftlik.

The notice is numbered (835) , under which the occupation authorities represented by the so-called Antiquities officer ordered to remove the house and the Baton floor , on the pretext of building without a license in an “antiquities area”.

The targeted tent is a residence for a family of (11) , among them 10 females , and 7 children, the targeted tent has a total area of 45 m2.

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Notice number 853 which targets house of Hassan Al-Ka’abneh

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The targeted house

Affected citizen was assaulted by the so-called Antiquities officer during 2020 , the occupation demolished a tent he used to live at with his family on the pretext of assaulting antiquities , and today the situation is repeating itself as the family is being displaced.

Abu Al-‘Ajaj community originates from Yatta area south Hebron Governorate, the Bedouin families immigrated and resided Aj-Jiftlik in search of postures and water, people of the community depend on cattle breeding as their only source of income  , and live in basic tents.

Abu Al-‘Ajaj Bedouin community is heavily targeted by the Israeli Occupation , which demolished the community three times in a raw during the 80s, and in 2011 the community was demolished again , in May 2013 the occupation served halt of work notice to the community. And in early 2014 , the supreme court refused the application to get a license and the result was demolishing the whole community.

Jiftlik Village:[1]

Al-Jiftlik village is located 35 km north of Jericho, and its population is 3100 people according to the 2017 census. Its total area is 185031 dunums, of which 1110 dunums are built up area. The occupation confiscated an area of 12040 dunums from its lands, as follows:

  • 3207 dunums were confiscated for building Israeli settlements in the area, including the settlement of Maswa.
  • 3328 dunums were confiscated for the purpose of building settlement roads bearing the numbers 90, 505 and 508.
  • 5505 dunums for the purpose of building military camps for the Israeli army.


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