
New Road Serves Horsha illegal colonists on Al-Mazra’a Al-Gharbiya village lands

Violation: Opening a new colonial road.

Location: Al-Mazra’a Al-Gharbya town.

Date: Wednesday (January 12th 2022).

Perpetrators: Harasha colonists.

Victims: A number of families from the town.


Israeli illegal colonists intensified their assaults against Palestinian Lands in “’Ein Harasha” to the south of Al-Mazra’a Al-Gharbiya . Reportedly, in the early morning hours of Wednesday, a group of fanatic colonists accompanying 3 bulldozers with the protection of the occupation army raided Deir Hassan area, and opened a new road that connects the illegal Horsha colony to nearby Palestinian agricultural lands.

At the day of writing this report, a 1 km * 8 m segment of the road was already opened and leveled, which required uprooting 15 olive trees aging 15 years old, noting that opening this road devoured parts of lands without any previous confiscation notices. It passes through lands of : Naji Abu Layla , Dia’a Shreiteh, ‘Ala’a Abu Qare’a , Dawoud Shreiteh, Majid Abu Layla , Safi Abu Layla and his brothers.

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The new illegal roads

One of the victims, Farmer Yousef Shreiteh said:

“ Since the illegal construction of Horsha outpost , we’ve been suffering daily from Israeli Occupation Human rights violations, including closure if vast areas of lands, attempt to take over ‘Ein Harasha water spring, raids to farmlands , and most of these assaults are carried out in presence and under protection of the occupation army.”

In 2002, the Israeli Occupation army imposed their control over 45 dunums on a hill at the area locally known as ‘Ein Horsha, which was soon declared as a closed military zone. In 2004, the occupation forces installed a military watchtower at the same location, in 2006 an Israeli colonist sat a carvan att he area , then the fanatic troops declared that a new outpost will be established at the locatio under the name “Horsha” , which was linked via dirt roads to a number of colonies at the west of Ramallah like “Talmon” and Dolev” . and since that day, Palestinian farmers are struggling to protect their farmlands. On the other hand, illegal Israeli colonists and army carry out daily assaults , such as using gun threats to impose closures , prohibit farmers from harvesting the crops , and destroying fences. In January 24th 2020 , the occupation forces opened a road between the outpost and ‘Ein Harasha spring (800 m long), and today colonists are opening a new road to facilitate access and confiscation of more Palestinian farmlands.

About Al-Mazra’a Al-Qiblya -  Al-Gharbiya:

It is located 12km to the northwest of Ramallah city. The village is edged by Abu Shkeidim area from the north, Talmon colony from the west, Abu Qash village from the east, and Ein Qiniya village from the south.

The village has a total land area of 15,275 dunums, of which 1165 dunums are the built-up area. Around 5180 people inhabit the village (2017).

The Israeli occupation confiscated around 329 dunums from the village’s lands to establish the colonies of Nahliel (1984) and the colony of Talmon (1989).

Also, the bypass road number 450 confiscated 75 dunums from the village.

According to Oslo lands classifications, the village lands are as follows:

  • 8533 dunums are area classified “B”
  • 6742 dunums are area classified “C”

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