
The substitutional colonial settlement on the lands of Al-Isawiya town / occupied Jerusalem

The village is located to the northeast of the Old City of Jerusalem, bordered to the east by the Bedouin communities of Al-Eizariya and Arab Al-Kaabneh, to the north by Anata and Shuafat, and to the south by Al-Za'im. The jurisdiction of the village is divided between the occupation municipality in Jerusalem and the civil administration responsible for Area C. Where the occupation authorities deprived the villagers of their lands and confiscated them in favor of the settlements, the annexation and expansion wall, and the so-called "national park". The village has been subjected to numerous attacks, closures and incursions over the long years of occupation, and many of its residents have been arrested.

 It is worth noting that Al-Isawiya has been under fierce attack for a long time. The Hebrew University is located on its mountains and besieged it from the southwest, and Hadassah Hospital besieged it from the southwest, and the university and hospital projects are devouring every inch of the land of the village, as these two settlements are expanding by establishing sections and buildings Administrative and functional, as well as building housing for staff and students, as well as making gardens and streets for the welfare of settlers in the area, as well as the separation wall and bypass roads that isolated Issawiya from its Palestinian surroundings from the northeastern side. At the same time, the occupation municipality is prosecuting every Palestinian who tries to build and expand in his place of residence in order to create an outlet for him and the future of his children, but the occupation municipality repeatedly demolishes buildings, confiscates land, imposes violations and exorbitant fines that burden the Jerusalemite and his family, and push them to dispersal and abandonment, on the pretext of racism and flimsy.

The latest announced projects and under implementation is the expansion of Hadassah Hospital, which devoured hundreds of dunams of Issawiya in order to expand the hospital and its facilities, by constructing housing, commercial areas and gardens at the western entrance to Issawiya. The aim of this project, according to the hospital, is to make Hadassah Hospital one of the largest Israeli hospitals. In Jerusalem and in the occupied territories, this expansion targets the hospital's absorptive capacity and attracts many laborers and settlers to Jerusalem.


7 kilometer north Jerusalem, Al'Isawiya is surrounded by Shu'fat and 'Anata (North), Jerusalem and Shu'fat (west), Al' Eizariya (east) , Jerusalem and Az Za'ayyem (north) .

Al'Isawiya has a total area of 9,419 of which 673 dunums are a built-up area of the village.

The Israeli occupation devoured 2305 dunums of the lands of the village, for the following purposes:

The occupation devoured 1019 dunums for colonies:

Name of the colony

Establishing year

Total devoured area , dunums

Number of colonist

Hebrew University – Har HaTzofim




Giv'at Shappira




Mishr Adummim




bypass number (1) and number (437) took over 641.5 dunums of the village lands.

The Apartheid Wall that damaged 44 dunums and is 443 long.

Occupation's military camps took over 600 dunums.

[1] GIS –LRC.