
The Israeli Supreme Court Refused a Petition to Save Al-Ka’abneh’s School in Ras At-Teen / Ramallah governorate

Violation: The Israeli supreme court.

Location: Al-Ka’abneh Bedouin community in Ras At-Teen area – Kafr Malik / Ramallah and Al-Bireh governorate.

Date: February 16th 2022.

Perpetrators: The Israeli supreme court.

Victims: Al-Ka’abneh Bedouin community students.


Wednesday, February 16th 2022 , the occupation forces raided Al-Ka’abneh Bedouin community in Ras At-Teen east Kafr Malik village , and served a notice on rejecting a petition submitted by the community against demolishing the community school in 14 days.

Bedouin community head Salama Al-Ka’abneh told LRC:

“The school receives at least 40 students from the first to sixth grade, and contains only 3 classrooms and a principle’s room, with a total area of 120 m2, we submitted a petition to protect it from demolition, and to reduce the suffering of our children.”

The school was targeted by the occupation with a halt of work military notice in September 1st 2020 , and in September 8th 2020 , the occupation issued a military order to give an additional chance to object on the previous demolition notice , we submitted a petition through a legal institution , but the occupation refused.

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Salama Asserted: 

“We built a school in summer of 2020, and we are worried that the school eill be demolished and the students will have to go to Al-Mughayyir school 9 km away from the community , which is a very difficult experience and inappropriate for children , since it is very hot at summer and cold at winter.”

Israeli Illegal land grabs to build illegal colonies in the west bank is a continuous violation of several international and humanitarian laws .

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Al-Ka’abneh Bedouin community:[1]

Al-Ka’abneh Bedouin community is 9 km away from Kufur Malik village , Al;-Ka’abneh clan at the area populated 120 members , members of the community are dwellers who change their place regularly searching for better weather circumstances and water.


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