
Colonists Pasture their flocks in the lands of Deir Jarir village in Ramallah governorate

Violation: posturing on private agricultural land.

Location: Deir Jarir village / Ramallah and Al-Bireh governorate.

Violation date: April 3rd 2022.

Perpetrators: the colonial outpost "Kerem Mtasbebi".

Victims: a number of farmers in the village.


On Sunday, April 22nd , 2022, the colonists of "Kerem Muttabebi", adjacent to the colony of "Kokhab Hashehir" brought their cattle to pasture in private Palestinian fields on mount Al-Shorfa which is located east of Deir Jarir village, northeast of Ramallah. The target site is less than 5 kilometers away from the homes of the village.

It must be noted that colonists deliberately released their sheep in the olive, grape and almond fields in that particular area, which caused direct damage to the trees. They, also stole the agricultural tools inside the fields.

In an interview with LRC field worker, Mr.  Abdel-Dayem Mohamed Ajaj, who is one of the victims, said the following:

"We permanently and directly suffer from the colonists' aggressions on our agricultural lands the  last of which was carried out on April 3rd, 2022 when our trees were affected by overgrazing by the flocks of those colonists. We have directly submitted a number of complaints to the occupation police, but to no avail yet".

According to field reports from our staff the target area area has important geographical and strategic location, as it is a link to connect a number of villages in the western Ramallah governorate, and also overlooks Jabal Al-Asour, the second highest mountain in the West Bank. During the year 2020, Illegal israeli colonists tried to establish a colonial outpost in that area by setting up a group of residential tents in addition to closing roads and banning farmers from entering and leaving the area.

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Pictures 1-2: Pictures of the targeted site

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Picture 3: View of the Colonial outpost

About Deir Jarir:

Located 12 km to the northeast of Ramallah city, Deir Jarir is surrounded by Al Mazra’a Ash Sharqiya and Kafr Malik (north), Silwad (west), Kokhav Hashahar colony (east), and At Tayba village (south).

It has a population of 4469 people (according to 2017 population projections). Its total area is 33,332 dunums, 793 of which are built-up area.

The Israeli occupation confiscated 2482 dunums of the village for the benefit of:

Kokhav Hashahar colony that devoured 1358 dunums of the village lands. It was built in 1977 and is inhabited by 1367 colonists.

Bypass roads number 449 and 458 that devoured 1124 dunums

According to Oslo Accords, about 4906 dunums of Deir Jarir land are under Area B (PA is in charge of civil matters with Israel responsible for security) and 28426 dunums are under Area C (Israel maintains full security and administrative control).