
Belfour Declaration …. And the continuous conspiracy (A statement by Land Research Center- Arab Studies Society on the hundredth anniversary of Belfour Declaration- November 02, 2016)

Belfour Declaration …. And the continuous conspiracy

(A statement by Land Research Center- Arab Studies Society on the hundredth anniversary of Belfour Declaration- November 02, 2016)

A hundred year on a declaration that gave "he who owns not….. for he who deserves not" a homeland taken from "he who owns and deserves". ( Dr. AbdelWahhab Al-Kiyali- History of Modern Palestine).

This declaration also known as "promise" placed a toxic dagger in Palestine that aims at restricting the advancement of the Arab Nation and disconnecting its east from its west.

Was the promise just the beginning of a conspiracy or part of the chain extending to this moment?

The conspiracy in years:

  • 1897: First Zionist Congress:  led by Theodore Herzl , a homeland for Jewish people wad decided to be established in one of three suggested places namely (Uganda, Palestine and Argentine)

  • 1907 Imperial Conference:  the conference of the seven colonizing countries namely (Britain, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Belgium and the Netherlands). It is when Henry Campell called to divide the Arab World by planting an outsider body amidst its countries.

  • 1908 through 1914: Hayem Wiseman managed to convince the countries of Imperial Conference to approve the Zionist Movement as implementer of their mission under the condition of facilitating the establishment of a national homeland for Jewish people in Palestine.

  •  1916: Sykes–Picot Agreement: Arab Countries were divided as shares for the colonizing countries, where Britain got Palestine as its share.

  • 1917- Belfour Declaration: Britain Prime Minister promises Jews of a national homeland in Palestine.

  • 1918: end of World War One and the passion of Othman Empire  properties in the Arab World.

  • 1921: British Mandate for Palestine by  UN Assembly

  • 1922: the actual debut of British Mandate for Palestine; total military and political occupation.

  • 1947: UN Partition Plan for Palestine. Palestine was divided to establish a homeland for Jewish people.
  • May 14, 1948: End of British Mandate for Palestine
  • May 15, 1948: declaration of the establishment of Israel in Palestine
  • 1949 Armistice Agreement:  50% of lands designated for Arab countries in Palestine according to the Partition Plan 181 was occupied by Israel
  • 1967: Israel occupies the rest of Palestine lands, West Bank and Gaza Strip in addition to Golan Heights and Sinai Peninsula
  • March 19, 2003: American Invasion , Iraq and Fall of Baghdad and Sectarian and religious divisions
  • 2006: Fatah- Hamas Conflict  
  • 2010-2016: Arab Spring (Revolutions). The New Middle East Project

The conspiracy is still ongoing but would the sleep of this nation continues?

Wake up.. we waited for too long

Land Research Center

Arab Studies Society

  • Jerusalem – Palestine
  •                                                                                                 2/11/2016