
“A Brief of Israeli Violations Against Palestinian Land and Housing Rights for 2022”

2022 – Year of Tearing Off the Agreements

Statement issued by Land Research Center / Arab Studies Society

“A Brief of Israeli Violations Against Palestinian Land and Housing Rights for 2022”

Undoubtedly, The Israeli Society aligns with and supports Israeli most extremist parties that carry agendas of hatred against The Palestinian people, since the moment the Israeli Political leading roles were given to criminals Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Bin Ghafir , who became ministers in a government lead by a corrupt man Benjamin Natinyahu , all agreements with Palestinian people had gone in vain.

Their detrimental impact was clearly displayed when Smotrich got Knesset Approval to allocate a budget of 1 million shekels for colonial roads development on Palestinians’ lands in the West Bank and east Jerusalem, the allocated budget will be provided by the Ministry of Finance to the Ministry of Transportation in order to implement roads projects at the occupied lands.

This will simply mean Annexation of the West Bank – Through taking over the land and the Israeli illegal colonists and ignoring Palestinians’ presence, this is an attempt to close a conflict that lasted for 100 years, a closure coming from one party that decided to consider a historical land Palestine an Israeli land, ignoring all the Palestinian rights.

And among many other human rights violations against Palestinians, Israeli troops carry out daily assassinations against Palestinian citizens and youths. About (230  )Palestinians were assassinated without even posing any security threats – (which used to be Israel’s excuse for assassinations in previous situations). Moreover, the Israeli government is keeping a number of Palestinian martyrs’ bodies in mortuary cabinets, refusing to give them back to their families for burial.

 Not to mention the restrictions imposed on Palestinian political detainees, their number amounted to (4700), of which (34) women, (150) under age , (25) elderly , (600) suffer from severe illnesses , while (23) suffer from cancer.

These unbearable circumstances aim to forcedly displace the Palestinian people, along with several human rights violations carried out by the Israeli Occupation including:

  • (950) houses and facilities were demolished during 2022, among them (65) cases where owners were forced to demolish their own homes.
  •  (2290) houses and facilities received demolition orders.
  • (18,900) trees were torched, ravaged, or attacked, most of them are fruitful olive trees.
  •  (113,435) dunums of Palestinian lands were confiscated for colonial expansion.
  •  (1,100) m of agricultural roads, (66) water harvesting cistern, (3707) dunums of rehabilitated lands and postures were either destroyed or ravaged.
  •  (114) colonial schemes were announced targeting Palestinian lands, most of them had already started on the ground.
  •  (2220) colonial residential units were built, that contains about 815,400 colonists on Palestinian lands.

The abovementioned is a simple explanation of how the Israeli Policies tear-up all agreements ever signed with Palestinians, and a de-facto situation that altogether makes the two-state solution impossible.

The Palestinian people are now fighting unbearable live circumstance, and the steadfastness on the Palestinian land is so expensive, that it is only fed with Palestinian blood, labor and daily bread.

Who deserves solidarity more than the Palestinian People?

Isn’t it time to Stand against the Occupation and bring Justice to the oppressed?

Land Research Center

Palestine – Jerusalem
