
Land Day: an evidence of Palestinians' legitimacy of Land

A statement by Land Research Center in the fortieth anniversary of Land Day

For forty years and more, Israel's greed in taking land over is still ongoing and Palestinians still fall martyrs to defend this land to prove it their own.

In 1976, Israel launched "Developing Galilee" project, which in fact aimed at Judaizing the area for the favor of colonization. As a matter of fact, the project confiscated 21,000 dunums from the towns of Arraba, Sikhnin, Deir Hanna and Arab Al-Sawa'id. This ignited Palestinian rage in the occupied territories of 1948. Not only, all Palestinians on Palestinian soil and in the Diaspora revolted and stood up to say that "Palestine is ours will always be"

This anniversary comes in line with Al-Aqsa uprising, which witnessed the execution of 208 martyrs in cold blood, double the number of checkpoints and escalation in demolition operations. During the first quarter of 2016, eighty four military checkpoint were reported added all over the area of West Bank to make the total reach 656 checkpoints, ripping up Palestinian cities, villages and towns.

Moreover, the Israeli Occupation Forces were reported to demolish 505 residences and structures with a rate of 168 structure per month. Noteworthy, the rate of demolition per month over the past five years was 52 structures. This means that 1000 Palestinians (mostly kids) were internally displaced.

Colonists' ferocity and brutality reached to the level of torching the kid Mohammad Abu Khdeir alive and Dawabsheh family awhile asleep in addition to uprooting trees and threatening farmers of killing. Noteworthy, a new police unit--comprising of colonists-- was formed to chase farmers on their lands and wrecking havoc to crops and trees.

It became clear that the occupation state became a "colonist state", that aims at serving and encouraging colonists to take lands over and to reside on them in the areas of the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Notably, Israeli courts became a tool to facilitate such goal. Not only, ministries as well allocate budgets and funds for the colonization project to expand all over Palestine.

Shockingly, the so-called Israel Monitor complained to the military administration of the West Bank for decreasing the demolition rate in Palestinian areas!!.

What kind of government is that led by the logic of gangs and militias such like Lehi and Balmakh? . No wonder that Israel government and those gangs are alike for they were formed on the doctrine of terror and violence.

Another Land Day comes and Israeli practices, measures and policy eradicate the so-called Two States Solution. The occupation devoured most lands classified as area "C" in the West Bank according to Oslo Accords. Not only, East Jerusalem and the Old City of Hebron are almost controlled by the occupation, not mentioning the siege over Gaza.

We hope that this anniversary brings back the Palestinian train to its track towards a sole aim of a united geography, complete and clear history and everlasting identity.

Jerusalem- Palestine

March 30, 2016

Land Research Center