
Illegal Israeli Colonists loot 24 heads of Sheep East At-Tayba town / Ramallah Governorate

Violation: Looting 24 heads of sheep.

Location: East At-Tayeb town / Ramallah Governorate.

Date: December 15th 2022.

Perpetrators: an outpost on Al-M’uarajat area.

Victims: Citizen Yousef Al-Ka’abneh ,


Thursday , a group of illegal colonists raided a tent in a Bedouin community in Al-Mu’arejat area, and stole 24 heads of sheep , that belong to farmer Yousif Ka’abneh , the sheep were lead to an outpost at Al-M’arejat area.

Citizen Yousif Ka’abneh told LRC:

“I’ve been living in At-Tayba area , also known as “Karamelo” for more than 25 years.  I have always lived in a tent and earning small living out of cattle breeding , during the past year , we have been suffering from Israeli assaults and violations, the occupation forces demolished our tents several times, and since the establishment of the outpost , the attacks increased, one for them occurred a week ago as the Israeli colonists poisoned our dogs, and in the early morning hours of Thursday , colonists sneaked into one of the tents and stole the sheep that worth about (54 thousand shekels).”

Al-Ka’abneh asserted: “I filed a complaint to the Israeli Police, they showed up at the location, and they took my testimony    , but all in vain , and now I don’t know how to overcome my losses.”

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an outpost in Al-Muarejat area

In the early 2020 , a group of illegal colonists established an outpost 200 m southeast Remonim colony , the outpost is a mean of abuse against cattle breeders at the area . Recently, LRC team documented a number of Israeli violations at the area.

حماية الحقوق البيئية في مناطق "ج"

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this report are those of Land Research Center and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the project donor; the Norwegian Refugee Council

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