
Israeli Violations Against Palestinian Land and Housing Rights 2023

“Power Madness Never creates a Peace”

Israeli Violations Against Palestinian Land and Housing Rights

A statement issued by Land Research Center


A year has passed since colonization leaders took over the Israeli government, those who speak loud and proud about their policies that call for emptying the Palestinian land from its indigenous people, and collect them in overpopulate residential complexes to do their role as servers in the Israeli labor market without basic humanitarian, political, or economical rights whatsoever. As they took the lead, many researching, humanitarian and political institutions warned that hey will lead not only Palestine but the whole region to a massive explosion.

Their predictions were rather accurate, the said government encouraged all kind of settler-colonial violations and violence pushing Palestinians to take a reaction, a great opportunity for the radical leaders of the government to implement their mad plans, They started to ethnically cleanse the people of Gaza strip and occupying it fully, and they started threatening  to ethnically cleanse the West Bank and minimize Palestinian existence on the Palestinian territories, in order to turn cities and villages into isolated Ghettos surrounded and suffocated by  illegal colonies and colonial roads everywhere.

If we look at the Israeli violations before this government took over and after , and during the first nine months of the year ,and even before the war on Gaza , we realize that they seek for demolition and destruction of buildings and ravaging agricultural lands , in addition to confiscation of properties and colonization of land , a clear displacement process that never occurred in history.

In the past five years, and before this government takes over , an average of 66 houses and facilities were demolished per month , a number that escalated to 106 houses and facilities on a monthly basis in the first nine months of 2023 (a 59% increase on previous demolition rate ) , and despite being busy with a vicious war in the territories especially Gaza strip , the demolition monthly rate increased to 228 houses and facilities each month (n West Bank and east Jerusalem , different than Gaza).

Monthly average of uprooting trees in the west Bank by illegal colonists during the past five years used to revolve around 1000 trees, but increases up to 1070 trees monthly before the war , only to increase again to 1080 trees monthly during the war, which reflect the occupation’s systemized policies that is never decreased by emergencies.

Violations against religious sites also increased under this radical government, in the past five years , an average of 1700 colonists raided Al-Aqsa mosque each month, a number that multiplied several times to reach 4555 colonists in the first nine months of 2023 , an increase that reached almost 168 % of the previous number.

The increase of colonial outpost received unconditional support from the current government, in the past five years , an average of 1.3 outposts were reported monthly , after this government took the lead and in the first nine months of 2023 , an average of 3.7 outposts were reported each month an increase of 185 % affected by current government policies. And only during this war an average of 2.4 outposts were reported.

The establishment of new outposts came with displacing 5 Palestinian Bedouin communities under the rule of this radical government in the first 9 months of 2023 , while during the war they displaced about 17 Bedouin communities an increase of 160 % of the record before the war . and the said outposts took over 150000 dunums in the first 9 months of this year , a monthly average of almost 16700 dunums , and during the war months the outposts closed off 51000 dunums , a monthly average of 25500 dunums of lands and agricultural lands under several “security” pretexts.

Moreover, the demolition of 300 thousand residence in Gaza strip , and destroying infrastructure , killing and injuring 100 thousands Palestinians of which 70 % are women and children , forced internal displacement of 75 % of Gaza Strip residence , an implication of the occupation’s ethnic cleansing and forced evacuation policies.

Despite all that , the Palestinian people are holding to its right to live on its land , despite the catastrophes of the war , and the bloodshed , the Palestinian people are still holding to the international legalization and humanitarian law , and holding dearly to the hope to live peacefully on its land , and to establish a sovereign state , with Jerusalem as its capital on the lands of 1967.

Whoever thinks that crime and abuse of power would impose peace or confiscate historical rights is delusional

The history proves that the Oppressor shall eventually fall

The Power of the good always defeats the power of the oppressor